Looking to Start Selling Term Life Insurance Over the Phone


New Member
Hi, i am looking for some advice from agents that are doing well selling term life insurance over the phone on few things, all answers will be greatly apreciated;

1.Which General agent will give the best commisions(what percent of annual premium) and also have good CRM meaning paperless application and order exam in one shot?

2.Do i have to use GA or can i get appointed directly with insurance companies?

3.Do they advance annual premium or pay monthly?

4.Does GA offers back end support and your expirience with it?

5.Which companies would you recomend for fully underwriten apps and which ones for nonmed meaning instant aproval like HSBC,RBC,Fidelity,Mutual Of OMAHA which GA will have all these especialy HSBC

6.Did you buy shared or exclusive leads and what was the math?

7.Anyone making 250k a year?

Thank you for answering.