Selling Life Insurance on the Phone

In order to be selling estate wide I think is a good idea to go on selling by phone, does anybody has any experience about this kind of selling.
Where to get enough amount of good leads to keep my business running,
Look for Nic West or Jeff Root. They also have a new venture specializing in online and over the phone. Digital BGA get in touch with them. There is nobody better equipped to help in this arena.
In order to be selling estate wide I think is a good idea to go on selling by phone, does anybody has any experience about this kind of selling.
Where to get enough amount of good leads to keep my business running,

To better help you in your answer what type of life insurance are you selling final expense, term, whole life?? Without knowing what product you special in it's hard to point you in the right direction. Another concern would be do your carriers allow telesales and support it as a platform
Sold term over the phone for years. Tough job. Good leads are expensive and you will not be the only agent pursuing them. I got tired of being cooped up in the office. Selling FE F2F now.