Touching Base with Previous Clients, Prospects

Your client/prospect/deadfile person probably forgot the other agent dropped the ball unless they really pi$$ed them off. Don't even bring it up.

"Just calling to introduce myself . . . and see if you have any questions about your coverage . . ."

Let THEM tell you what their concerns are. Don't volunteer a damn thing. Don't assume anything. 98% of the time it is a bigger problem for you than it is them.

If they were put off they will tell you.

If they even answer the phone.

By all means do NOT remind them of a potential bad experience. Let THEM bring it up, not you.

I just wanted to call you before I close your file. "Pause.2 secs "

I use the "close your file" quite often, except in an email, not a phone. You would be surprised how effective it is. No one wants to be fired.

Except the jerks.

And who wants them any way?
The leads didn't cost. They were people who wandered in, spoke to someone in the past, and their contact info just sat in a file.

Senior agent said if I want to call, they are all mine.

I have made so many calls on so-called active leads, it's sad. Maybe these just needed to steep.

I have some that will never get my time or another call & I feel just dandy about it. :biggrin: