What Income Level Do You Market to for LTC


100+ Post Club
What income level do you see most able to afford this product?
With higher premiums. It seems only those with more than average discretionary income would be prospects.

I suppose people with a lower income level would be taken care of by the family or the state.
So what income level do you market to?

What income level do you see most able to afford this product?
With higher premiums. It seems only those with more than average discretionary income would be prospects.

I suppose people with a lower income level would be taken care of by the family or the state.
So what income level do you market to?


I don't market to income levels.....I market to people who have more to lose by not having the plan than by having the plan. They could be on social security but have lots of assets and still be a candidate.

Else you asked a question that can only be answered by using common sense. Broke people obviously don't buy LTC, they vote democratic to try to get more handouts.

You should market to an income level that you feel can comfortably afford a premium. That premium has to do with what the costs of care are in your marketing area.

In my marketing area, where the costs of care are high, I focus on couples with a minimum family income of $75,000/year.

Those with low income and few assets are not a candidate for LTCi.

Don't pay any attention to Yankee, he only markets LTCi to Democrats on Medicaid.
I only market to Republicans, but I do get referred to a Democrat every now and then. I will take their money.:twitchy:
Join Date: Sep 2006


Re: What Income Level Do You Market to for LTC Go to Top
Democrats on Medicaid
Isn't that a redundant statement?
