Retirement Planning Process

Going through a lot of materials and trying to find similarities with each approach. There is some repetitive elements and I wanted to get feedback on order and process for those that help others prepare and plan for retirement.

Soft Questions regarding retirement ideas

Risk Factors in Retirement
Longevity: Living Longer, need for Ltc, Survivor Income
Market Performance: taking money from portfolio during bad times hurts overall income duration, sub with life c.v. during bad times
Withdrawal Rate: Is 4% rule still valid? Look at what a conservative withdrawal rate in early years does for overall portfolio and accessing income in the order of taxable income (savings and investments), tax deferred (401k, IRA,) and finally tax free (roth, life).
Inflation: possible inflation linked income riders
Healthcare: ltc, and new means testing for B and D means more money spent on healthcare, living benefits with Life and Annuity combo products.

Expense Worksheet (living, desireable, and legacy expenses)

Income and Asset sheet

Determine Income Gap if any

Different recommendations/ clubs to cover the gap

Pension Maximization
IRA Maximization
Convert assets into income streams
Delay taking SS
Work Part Time
Lower Standard of Living
Limit Expenses
Take on Higher Risk

Survivor Income needs including spousal, debt, education

This is just a list of things to go over that I see have similarities between systems. How would you order these, add or take away from?
How many appointments does your average case take in the sales cycle?
All of these concepts are important... but what's more important is what you communicate and how you can communicate it.

Until the prospect realizes that they have a problem, all of the brilliant ideas in the world won't help them.

Personally, I'd recommend this:
Turbocharge Your Sales Training and Software

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The "red" part of the software is to help determine the problem. Then you mess around with the numbers to IMPROVE their situation. You do it my modeling the cash flow of the ideas you have above.

Once you and your prospect are communicating clearly, then you can begin to work on the ideas.

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