Out of State MA Sales

I think that would be the lesser of 2 evils. I still have to figure what carriers I need where. I might have to wait until after oep to play with this.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy

well it is late in the game to sign contracts do certs and get comfortable
with too many products in a new area

If it were just 1 or 2 Id say do it more then that probably wait
Ya vic I am thinking the same. I have enough on my plate now. I had to give up two more yesterday and it just got me thinking. I will get some aging in during the year to practice on. Supplements I do now, it's just the MA's

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
Ya vic I am thinking the same. I have enough on my plate now. I had to give up two more yesterday and it just got me thinking. I will get some aging in during the year to practice on. Supplements I do now, it's just the MA's

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy

If you are already working the area doesn't hurt to add 1 or 2 carriers
even if you don't use em much, Just to have another tool in the box

more then that can get hectic this time a year

But I can tell you how many sup sales come when the prospect after going over Supplement then prospect leads into a specific MAPD plan and
After going over the summery the changes in freedom and such
they realize that the sup is the best option

So Its always good to have 1 or 2 of the top MA plans in any are you sell supp