UCT has a great lead program


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Just thought I would post some useful info;)

I have been writing up alot of UCT medsup applications and they sent me a notice for every 12 I write they will send out a 1000 lead drop wherever I want...
I know that UCT isn't for everyone but in Nebraska and Wyoming they are the best in price for plan F and G -- I am getting my license in Nebraska due to MSIS needing a representative there - with MSIS I have been really pleased with the leads I have recieved -- I have had a 100% closing rate with them with a medsup with UCT and the Cont care product to supplement it. -or they go with the Advantra Freedom product with the Cont. Care product to supplement..

just my thoughts -- hope it helps someone
Hey Mary,

Thanks so much for sharing your findings. I appreciate that.

My silly question here is: who is UCT? And yes, who is MSIS?

Thanks in advance!!!
I have had a 100% closing rate with them with a medsup with UCT and the Cont care product to supplement it. -or they go with the Advantra Freedom product with the Cont. Care product to supplement.

I understand the Cont. Care product to supplement Advantra Freedom, but why in the world would you need it to supplement a Medicare Supplement?
OK UCT -- you can find out about them at www.uct.org -- they are a fraternal organization that has medicare supplements -- very inexpensive -- at least in my areas -- it is United Commercial Travelers of America -- I signed up with them thru MSIS -- which is Medicare Supplement Insurance Services -- they are an FMO out of Georgia -- which whom I signed up with them for Continental Life for the Continental Care supplement product...

and the question why i would provide a supplement to plan f would be -- plan f does not pay for home health care ( whereas plan g does ) -- so if you sell plan f -- you can supplement it with the continental care product because it takes care of the home health -- the rate for a female here in wyoming or nebraska is about 77 a month for plan f or i belive it is 65 for plan g for medsups... now comparing these and having the extra supplement --- ( cont. care) -- if they go in the hospital one time -- they get a check for $1000 dollars -- which pays there supplement for the year for plan f or plan g -- and again pays on top of what medicare pays --
this is from the site.. -- so its good for medsups and medadvantage plans..

Seems like a waste of money for the client. They would be better off buying final expense. It sounds to me that you are just looking to make a buck. There is no need at all to have continetal care with a plan F or any other supplement. If they are wanting at home recovery, sell them a home health care plan.
Senior -

This is a MA tie in plan. I have thought about doing it, but I have been focusing on some life products.


You are correct it, is a MA tie in plan. But I don't see the benefit in selling it with a Plan F Medicare Supplement. Do you?
Are you serious? You sell an MA tie in plan with Medigap plan F? And you think that is good because it pays for home health care??! Please please please tell me I am reading this wrong.