Combined Sr. Division?

Cenla Agent

1000 Post Club
Anyone on the board have any thoughts one way or the other about Combined's Senior division?

I am especially looking for any information on their LTC product.
No idea about their LTC but their med supps are way outta range here. They market alot to farmers here.

Their supp is way outta range here too, even if it is "issue age". It's as high or higher than UA's. I've been told their LTC rates are significantly lower than the main competitors and it has never gone up, but I don't know anything about the plan itself i.e. whether it is comparable coverage to Genworth, JH, etc.
Last time I replaced their product, their LTC rates were higher than Penn Treaty and CNA. But that was over 5 years ago.

There is a software program, which your FMO may have, which has all the rates of these LTC carriers, including their riders, which you can then rate and compare to yours. Can't remember the name right now.
Anyone on the board have any thoughts one way or the other about Combined's Senior division?

I am especially looking for any information on their LTC product.

I began my insurance career with Combined. It wasn't there Senior Division, but their Sickness/Life Division. First let me say that you do not want to go this route and that for seniors you will find that most other carrier products are much better. It has been about 6 yrs since I was with them (I only stayed for about 1 1/2 yrs). There training left much to be desired. I spent a fortune going on week long road trips (I had to pay all my expenses). My branch manager was new and I was his first recruit. They even promoted me to "sales manager" (what a joke) in a matter of a few months. When I quite I was the only one left in my unit. That being said, I did learn a lot from this experience. They really focus on closing the prospect the first time. There is no such thing as getting a client and forming a relationship or any type of consultative approach.