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$100 Million Agent Replacement Program

basically it's the entire Medicare and You book in video. One section at a time. Very easy for a senior to get through without reading one thing. Will this work?

CMS continues to TRY and improve their site and TRY to help seniors pursue a DIY approach to Medicare . . . but it only goes so far.

While many have access to the web it does not mean they are "fluent in computer". Some are quite adept while others struggle with email and search engines.

I talk to a lot of T65 seniors and some things are constant. Almost without exception, they say "everything is confusing", and "I am not stupid, why can't I understand this".

My response is, basic Medicare is relatively simple, but the government and carriers make it more complicated than it should be. Also, most folks (70% of T65) are coming off group insurance and have never had to pick out a plan . . . they just took what their employer offered.

And most have enjoyed relatively good health and never really "tested" their plan to see if it works or not.

That all changes when they turn 65 and enroll in Medicare. HR is not there to answer their questions . . . call a carrier or 800 Medicare and you are just as likely to get someone who, only yesterday, was asking if you want fries with your order. It is indeed rare when you can actually talk to someone who understands and can help. Even if you do luck into that diamond among the rocks you will never again talk to that person.
That article I'll leave it alone , but not exactly what it was saying...replacement of medicare agents...

I Trust nothing Govt helmed and nothing insurance-wise to last forever status quo. Even my hubby had questions on that disclaimer when he overheard me telling another agent at our house...he went "wtf, wouldn't that just..." He's a farmer and understood how that could be an issue, although it's not really. yet.

I agree with you Vic, to a point. I thought the same thing. And still do...it's not so much the recording...although that's part of what will be the weeding out of some agents. The disclaimer is important to take notice of...not 100% on your thoughts on it, but I have some for sure...

I went to Medicare.gov today. There are now videos on the site. Once they click on one, then they lead them to a full monte of a youtube collages of videos with everything a solid agent would say in an appt. They put a nice sweet smart looking woman in the ones I saw-you know, one they would believe would be more effective and easy to watch---. I didn't watch them all but basically it's the entire Medicare and You book in video. One section at a time. Very easy for a senior to get through without reading one thing. Will this work? To an extent for now and moreso down the road, it'll grow. At least it wasn't joe namath. Even the govt smart enough to know seniors are over that...theyre getting desensitized to it and turn the channel.

Many seniors will bite and their adult kids will enroll them there They already do go there.... and down the road as tech sav people age in...well, we can all figure that one out. same with LI, when people just started doing it themselves bc of tech, but there were always people still wanting a warm friendly person to help them. For now, 2023 will be great. I would think people will always talk to us...now if the commish drops down to nothing...well, you know, this time I have a better foundation and I made myself good at DI/CI (back when ACA) which is the least likely product theyll go do themselves, and a slew of other sources of income.

Eggs/Basket some of my eggs might be dried up, but you know, the ones that aren't are...flowing.

Commissions drop down to zero.
No surprise when everything is free someones gonna get the a e and mapd agents will be first to the slaughter
Commissions drop down to zero.
No surprise when everything is free someones gonna get the a e and mapd agents will be first to the slaughter
Right. We all saw it happen when policies weren't even free.

To me, not a matter of if, it's more of when. Yes, ACA was a bit different, but not much. Govt glove was most definitely on....got so tired of the complaining with ACA custs, not to mention the trying to hide income for subsidies, etc. Lucky for me, all the years, did serve its purpose and right on time.

No matter what one does, whether it be owning a manufacturing supply co, and supplying only GM; for farmers, growing one crop and hoping it sustains...or doing Insurance and supplying just medicare MAPD ....having all eggs in one basket never good. Plan A, B, C, D and E for life, not just for Medicare:D
Commissions drop down to zero.
No surprise when everything is free someones gonna get the a e and mapd agents will be first to the slaughter

this is how I see it at the moment...

1. Army of agents, higher commish ($ carrot) for MAPD
2. An exodus to MAPD. Carriers jockeying into position now.--carriers/gvt team players
3. Med Supp premiums get jacked up to a painful threshold. Many people drop med supp
4. Marketshare ends up in MAPD.
5. Army of agents no longer needed. most medicare agents, not just MAPD.

med supp vs MAPD doesn't really matter. Think-PDPs with zero commish now.

Lots more thoughts on this, including on ACA subsidies and how biden cronies want mitts in personal bank accounts for even cash deposits as low as $600...besides more inflow of taxes, this could be another reason....to control the liars on income for more subsidies/medicaid...

maybe this is wrong, maybe its not...time always tells.

Makes me think of @somarco with Thelma and Louise...lol
Med Supp premiums get jacked up to a painful threshold. Many people drop med supp

Maybe, maybe not.

Keep in mind that Medigap carriers are only on the hook for 20% after the deductible and after Medicare pays 80%.

ACA carriers were on the hook for everything that wasn't a deductible or copay or coinsurance (less 30 - 30% paid by patient).

ACA could no longer underwrite to exclude high risk cases . . . so even with DC reinsurance, etc gross premiums still doubled and kept rising.

Medigap carriers are more susceptible to utilization, not so much on health care inflation.

I doubt Medigap carriers will stop paying commissions . . . but MAPD carriers might . . . especially if they ever change to standardized MAPD plans
theres a video too make sure to scroll down and watch it....:D

Unfortunately, she's not lying. Unless you have really good insurance, it's usually made up.

That's why MAPD IS better coverage than marketplace, usually, but OM is still better if you're willing to pay for it.