ACA rules--Small Group Open Enrollment 11-15 to 12-15, tax credit question


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For those of you familiar with this exception to the usual group coverage participation and employer contribution requirements.
My main question, which for some reason is just now occurring to me, is about whether there are no restrictions on an employee opting out of the group and getting a tax credit on or if they could only do that based on affordability considerations.
An article I just read about the annual small group open enrollment mentioned this option, but cautioned about being sure it would work, I assume based on the full premium if no employer contribution is offered, then more would qualify for tax credits. That is the first time I read about someone getting a tax credit in this ACA based exception. I am more thinking about it re: family glitch fix and I have a couple of small employer referrals, where I think enough of their employees may not want coverage, making the ratio not work except for this annual exception.