Aetna Sues Over OON Charges

Price gouging? Like a $433,000 plane ride? I at least hope they served peanuts.

Medical jet firm sues when N.J. borough, insurer refuses $433,000 bill | Insurance & Financial Advisor I

"A medical jet company sued Woodland Parks, N.J., which refused to pay a $433,525 bill for flying its police chief home from an Idaho cancer treatment center after its insurer allegedly refused responsibility.

Police Chief Robert Reda was seeking alternative treatment at a cancer center in Idaho when he was advised to return to New Jersey for conventional treatment at St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital, where he later died.

Angel Jet said it told Reda and his family of the cost to fly to New Jersey, according to The Record newspaper.

Aetna, Woodland Park’s insurance company, declined to pay for the flight, and Reda’s wife asked Mayor Pat Lepore for help, the newspaper reported."