Are Health Insurance Agents Going to Get Rich?

I count 11 in existence, that leaves 46 states on the sidelines. With the recent SCOTUS announcement, especially regarding Medicaid expansion, I can't see other states throwing away money they don't have for something that will never work.

But then, those folks in CA always were a bit nutty.
States will not set up their own exchanges, they will let the feds do it.

States will not expand Medicaid, that is a federal problem, not theirs.

There will be no subsidies to offset the high health insurance premium purchased anywhere, exchange or not.

As Winter says, what a mess.

I think you're right that this will come down to a funding (or de-funding) issue.

I was talking to a doctor today, who said he can't understand why the government thinks they can add 30 million people to the system and keep up quality care. He asked me, "Where are all the doctors coming from to serve those 30 million people? Is that quality of care? Maybe for the 30 million formerly uninsured population, but certainly not for the 270 million others who have been paying into the system all this time. Worse yet, it will not reduce costs."

If states don't expand medicare it will be a huge hole in the bottom of the boat for PPACA.
It's interesting - I really wish I could get a few of my friends who still write health insurance for a living to post their positive take on this come 2014 - but they're all busy selling health insurance.

I'll just say this - quite a few very excited phone calls yesterday from agents who can't wait to sell GI plans.

What tax? It's approximately 90.00! those of you that sell Medicare Insurance, it is similar to the Prescription Drug Plan, there is a penalty for signing up late.

why is everyone freaking out over healthcare? Healthcare is a good thing for everyone and the country.:yes:
If states don't expand medicare it will be a huge hole in the bottom of the boat for PPACA.

I'm sure you meant Medicaid.

DC created this problem. They can fix it.

Either borrow more money to fund it or tell 20 million people they were only kidding.
Mark, I think your thread should have asked: Are Health Insurance Agents Going to Get Richer? Aren't most of them already rich?:twitchy:

Exactly. We've all made so much money helping carriers steal from our clients that we can afford to play golf, fly airplanes, go to Vegas, and in the case of SAI, have a sex change operation.

Although I've had two pretty good years after the commission reductions in 2010 it's clearly time to move on, there are way too many uncertainties regarding 2014 to logically construct a business plan around health insurance.

I was on a conference call yesterday with a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida sales director and he was talking about how well positioned they were, how agents were an important part of their strategy moving forward, yadda, yadda, yadda. Meanwhile, they had another 25% commission cut in January and have reduced renewal commissions to almost nothing.

I'll take certainty, in terms of commissions and products, over uncertainty any day.

Bye, bye, health insurance, hello, life insurance.