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Best Path to Take; Life & Health or P &C


New Member
A couple years back I got licensed in both L&H and P&C but never changed careers. I am now reconsidering the switch to Insurance and would like to hear the wisdom of experienced agents as to which field of insurance in the best path to take. Business or personal, life & health or p & C. I assume there are pros and cons with any path, but is there a path which is typically easier to enter, more lucrative, has more loyalty, more fulfilling, with the least turnover. I am in my mid 50's. In the end, I would like to be an indy, but I know I need to get the experience first, and probably have to be captive somewhere first. I know this is a loaded question but I would appreciate any and all worthy comments. Thanks!!
This may sound smug, but it's not; which ever line interests you the most. Without passion none of this is going to matter.

As an analogy, it's like wanting to be in the music industry and asking; "Ok, between rap, rock and country, which industry should I pick?"
Chicago...Talk to some experienced brokers that are actively selling. If they're in your area, that's a plus. If they're a Cubs fans...well, that's too bad.

Experienced local brokers are always a great resource for someone in your position. You can learn to like any product line.
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Life & health vs P&C is simply a matter of what you prefer to do. P&C is a LOT more service work, really working to build a book of residual income.

P&C is a lot more work to get started and is harder to get started in (company appointments for preferred carriers can only be obtained after you have experience kind of problems).

P&C has a better residual system than L&H, but much lower pay per policy.

Commercial vs personal lines: Personal lines is much easier to start with. Its easier to understand, people will write policies now. Commercial is a tough market to break into and should only come after building a book of personal lines in my opinion, or, if you have a commercial mentor who will show you the ropes and help you get into the establishments.

P&C is a requirement for people to have...L&H is something you must convince them they need. Each will have its own benefits and drawbacks. Just have to go with which one feels right for you.
This looks to be an old post but non-the-less, I am counting on the gracious feedback that many of you often give out. For the past 4 years I have worked as an indy selling life & annuites, and basically surviving due to cost and well, the physical demands of running appointments 2 hours away. I am thinking of changing to P&C, any thoughts?
First, I don't know what you mean by "costs". The L&H "costs" are MUCH lower than P&C.

Second, you really have two options:
a) You can switch to P&C and work like a dog to sell 30+ auto policies each month, or
b) You can find a mentor at a career agency to really teach you the ropes to this business.

I was blessed with option b. I wish you well.
This looks to be an old post but non-the-less, I am counting on the gracious feedback that many of you often give out. For the past 4 years I have worked as an indy selling life & annuites, and basically surviving due to cost and well, the physical demands of running appointments 2 hours away. I am thinking of changing to P&C, any thoughts?

If you've been doing this for four years, congrats... You've made it farther then most.

Although you're just surviving, at 4 years selling Life and Annuities I would think you would be living large at this point.

I would definitely look at getting a mentor/General agent to take a cut of your commissions but train you to be successful in the field your already in.

Also If you're thinking about going to P&C from Life and Annuities. I'd first stop and take a look at Med supps and MA plans. They are much easier sales then life an annuities and it's not going to be a nightmare of a switch like switching to P&C will be.