Building a Pond of 1,000 Local Business Owners

The Athletics moved to Kansas City some time ago. I don't believe Philly has found a replacement team yet.
I second quarterly at most. I got on a guy's e-mail list just to see what he sent and quarterly isn't annoying and comes up right when I'm about to "forget" him. I can see it working better with clients than monthly.

Let us know what you decide to do.
Sounds like a modification of the Krumroy method:

1. One page on plain paper.
2. One topic.
3. One per month snail mail.
4. One phone call. Follow up EVERY newsletter with ONE phone call. Try to get an appointment.
5. One thousand. 250 each week, for four weeks. Stagger them so that you can call 50 per day, and follow up each newsletter with one phone call to secure an appointment.
6. One year. Send each person one newsletter EVERY month for one full year. Call each prospect EVERY month following their newsletter, asking for an appointment. If they don't grant you an appointment after ONE FULL YEAR and 12 phone calls, discard them.

You can learn the full details of the Krumroy Method by digging at At least that is where I learn about it.