California Health Exchange

...and why the exchanges won't work. Even if they advertise them through a public awareness campaign, which they will, they will fail just like they failed the first go around in California. The market prefers personal interaction with a broker over buying insurance through an internet portal.

Will they, the exchanges will sit out there and flounder while a robust private market that offers added value through packaged products (Health, Life, CI, ACC -similar to Assurant's new offerings) attract customers through the proven model of the broker distribution channel.

As I write this, I do think about Mass and the other Northeast states that have decimated their private health insurance market and wonder...

All one can do is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I have started selling commercial lines P&C in addition to health, and while its a slow start, I can already see momentum building in my business. Beware the naysayers that say you can't switch to P&C from can be done.
Will the carriers start to post the agent commission amount and percentage on the billing statements? I've heard that is being discussed.

Has anyone else heard this? Alan Katz blog has mentioned this.
Talk about an oxymoron...who in their right mind would trust their premiums to the California Insurance Exchange. California is a bankrupt entity and asking that state to create an insurance company wouldn't pass muster in any right thinking society.:1mad:
California isn't right leaning, its a bit left of center, so probably no worries about it being a right thinking society.
