Can Employer Tell You to Cease Independent Agency


New Member
My fulltime job consists of assisting a broker to sell health ins to our clients. I wasn't allowed to sell because we have a broker. I went on my own and set up my own independent agency to sell Medicare products part time. I felt the need to tell my employer and I am now receiving negative feedback and was told its a conflict of interest and that I may have to cease the agency I just set up. I need the extra money and was curious if an employer can tell you to cease agency. Any advice would be great.
It can be possibly, especially if you work for a captive company. I know people at OfficeMax cannot work there at the same time they work at BestBuy from the mouth of a manager. A conflict is a conflict and check to see if you signed paperwork addressing that. I can see that happening. There isn't a legal foothold to stop it for most people but they might say you aren't worth the risk.

This is also why we don't volunteer information to employers about our personal lives.
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My fulltime job consists of assisting a broker to sell health ins to our clients. I wasn't allowed to sell because we have a broker. I went on my own and set up my own independent agency to sell Medicare products part time. I felt the need to tell my employer and I am now receiving negative feedback and was told its a conflict of interest and that I may have to cease the agency I just set up. I need the extra money and was curious if an employer can tell you to cease agency. Any advice would be great.

The key word is "employer". He can't force you close your agency but he doesn't have to employ you if you don't. The question comes down to do you need the job or the agency more?
Exactly, your employer, at least in most states, can fire you for any reason or no reason at all (except legally protected). I'd close up shop if I were you and needed the job. It could get ugly.
I was fired because my old boss found out I was starting mine. You are lucky you got a warning.
Remember that all of your company appointments are public knowledge through your state's DOI website. It's very easy to see which companies you are affiliated with... and if it's through THEIR selling agreements or not.

Basically, you could've been terminated for just appearing to "sell away" from your employer.

If anyone is planning to sell insurance on the side, make sure that your job is not in the financial services sector - even as a teller at a bank. Banks sell insurance through advisors or other partners. Your selling insurance products (even in unrelated lines) along with access to their client data shows a pure conflict of interest.
I think this question is some kind of JOKE, right?

You, as an employee, were wondering if it's OK for YOU to sell additional INSURANCE to OUR CLIENTS as your side gig.......
Are you, insane?

1) When an employer says 'our clients'...
Do NOT get CONFUSED they are his/her CLIENTS not just WORK there, kid.
When a doctors says to the STAFF "our patients" he doesn't literally mean YOU are a MEDICAL provider, does he?

2) You said 'you need the EXTRA money' like the great comedian Robin Harris (rip) said 'there ain't no such thing as an extra or spare betta get a extra/spare JOB' that is not based on using(stealing) clients/data from your 'DAY JOB'.

(Point is that 'spare change' or customer base BELONGS to somebody.
You aren't asking for 'extra'.... you're REQUESTING some of MINE. )

Your employer is being VERY cool about the situation, cause many would have fired you on the spot.
This is why it's SO HARD too get and keep good HELP, they think it's no big deal to use/steal your resources to make a little 'extra cash'...these 'enterprising' people are NOT there to invest in your business they are always looking for an angle, on your nickel.

Guys/gals always be leery of training your competition, in your own office, keep the secret sauce locked up or get knocked up.

This is one of the reasons I like working with overseas employees money ( their salary) MEANS something to them.
No offense or disrespect to the low income earner here in the states but many of them are ALWAYS in need of 'more money' because they are broke.
This causes them to spend time,energy and resources (many times at the EXPENSE of their current employer) LOOKING for a decent living (using the copier to print resumes/flyers,etc., googling this/that scheme, scheduling interviews...all on your time)

Whereas overseas my money is MORE than enough for that employee to pay attention to MY CLIENTS and contribute ideas to MY BUSINESS because their basic money 'needs' are met.

It is tough enough to stay in business w/o having to be concerned about what your employees are going to be gawking to your clients next week....

Can you imagine a dentist being OK with her dental assistant calling through the 'our client base' selling chocolate bars and jujube candy to make 'extra cash'?

Please THINK about the VALUE of another person's asset (yeah YOU don't own 'our clients", he/she does) before you use it as a personal piggybank.
Thank you all for your honesty and words of wisdom. This is all new to me and I took a jump to to accomplish some personnel goals so it looks like I have some decisions to make. Take care!
Kimber...whether you did or did not tell them I can appreciate your honesty in telling your employer. You could have kept both businesses "completely" separate and "if" they ever find out and you were being completely honest with the best intentions... they would have assumed the worst. Granted I don't agree with them telling you to close your business, a state being an "at-will" employer doesn't help you and the fact the businesses are related. Hope it works out for you and you can accomplish your personal goals.
wait, wait, I want to hear Kimbers plan of how she was going to pull this off.

Quote with the primary agency, if the client didnt like the numbers, say, oh well, let me sharpen my pencil and guess what, I know how this "other" agency, I can save you money in.....

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