Commercial auto glass claims


New Member
Would you advise your client to absorb low cost glass claims out of pocket, less than $500 we will saY? Or would you advise them to claim it in the event they have full glass? Please note I am talking commercial auto in NY.

I have conflicting opinions coming from multiple people and would like some more of them. The claim will be on the loss runs right? If they go.back to market it would be held against them I though .
The claim will be on the loss runs right? If they go.back to market it would be held against them

Yes, they will. With a history of glass claims underwriters will either charge more for the coverage, require a deductible on glass, or eliminate glass coverage from the offer.

It's not a good idea to nickel and dime your insurance just because you have the coverage. You end up paying for it in the end just the same.

There are two types of insurance buyers. Those that want every penny they can get from their insurance and then whine about rate increases and those that use common sense and preserve their insurance for the catastrophes.