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Curious..Allstate Personal Financial Rep ?


New Member
I am curious. Have seen positions posted for Allstate Personal Financial Representatives. Has anyone checked into this and any information on the details ? Appreciate any insight.
I am curious. Have seen positions posted for Allstate Personal Financial Representatives. Has anyone checked into this and any information on the details ? Appreciate any insight.

They want someone with a documented production history who is already licensed.
I am curious. Have seen positions posted for Allstate Personal Financial Representatives. Has anyone checked into this and any information on the details ? Appreciate any insight.

It maybe a spin off of their old Life Specialist. You can write a lot of business _if_ the agents open the files to you. But their commissions stink.
Don't do it, unless you like to be micromanaged and smacked around a lot. My dad has been an Allstate EFS for 5 years now- it's been very tough. The commission levels are almost impossible to reach unless you have many sub agents. You will starve unless you work with agencies that feed you good business.
It is sort of a catch-22. The only agents that qualify really don't need it. If you have experience and are producing, why do you need submit to their management and low commissions to get prospects?
I am curious. Have seen positions posted for Allstate Personal Financial Representatives. Has anyone checked into this and any information on the details ? Appreciate any insight.

As others have pointed out, it's not the greatest position in the world. You would likely be "assigned" to an area and it would be up to you to develop relationships with the P&C agents in your area.

Ideally it sounds wonderful. You get 5 or 6 Allstate P&C agents to simply refer you all their life and investment prospects. Problem is, most P&C agents don't look for the opportunities. At best you might be able to convince some of the P&C agents to send out an introduction letter, but that's about it.

IMO, there are much better options available to someone wanting to work that market.
It is sort of a catch-22. The only agents that qualify really don't need it. If you have experience and are producing, why do you need submit to their management and low commissions to get prospects?

That is my conclusion.
I owned an Allstate for 5 years and in that time I saw at least 8 EFS's quite due to lack of income! I understand the potential in the system but the commissions are too low & it didn't seem like their activity was that high!
Thanks for all of the advice. As with some, marketing is my issue. Have done the mailers,calls and cold call. Not staying consistent getting thru enough doors. Working mostly the T65 Market. As I am 58 and a Advisor, I feel I bring l more value to the table than most. Considering Allstate for the Marketing angle. Again thanks for the advice.
I think you need to be able to show something like $100,000 annual production to be considered.