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Demanding Walking with Money to Buy Policy


100+ Post Club
Ok, i made two threads because its another walk in. forgive me!

This lady comes in saying she wants a 20k single premium for 80k coverage for her mother. she keeps telling me i just want this one and no medical checks.

I tell her we have to check medical and go through the process. But she is so stubborn and ignorant and keeps "flaunting" her cash. I'll write you a check right now! just tell me where to sign. I'll give you cash check whatever you want. I have 30k in savings that i want to throw all of in into the policy.

I dont want to worry about it so i want to do single premium. I tell her we can do GUL and do min premiums and stretch it out but she says no i want to do single! HSBC does this do you want the business or not.

What will you do?
Would you sell them the policy? 5 daughters all want to buy policies but the mother wont sign and dont want it. Their all saying very bluntly its for burial cost etc... its not you paying etc... Her objection is i cant spend the money so why do i need it, i'm just worried my kids will stop feeding me.

lol what a day!
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Ok, i made two threads because its another walk in. forgive me!

This lady comes in saying she wants a 20k single premium for 80k coverage for her mother. she keeps telling me i just want this one and no medical checks.

I tell her we have to check medical and go through the process. But she is so stubborn and ignorant and keeps "flaunting" her cash. I'll write you a check right now! just tell me where to sign. I'll give you cash check whatever you want. I have 30k in savings that i want to throw all of in into the policy.

I dont want to worry about it so i want to do single premium. I tell her we can do GUL and do min premiums and stretch it out but she says no i want to do single! HSBC does this do you want the business or not.

What will you do?
Would you sell them the policy? 5 daughters all want to buy policies but the mother wont sign and dont want it. Their all saying very bluntly its for burial cost etc... its not you paying etc... Her objection is i cant spend the money so why do i need it, i'm just worried my kids will stop feeding me.

lol what a day!

Are you seriously asking what other agents would do AFTER you've stated the mother won't sign?

In addition, the prospect doesn't dictate to the insurance company what they will and won't do. (i.e. - i just want this one and no medical checks.)

Most people don't come across two people like this in a year and you've had two in one day? What is in the water where you live?
Dude... walk away from that RIGHT now... your time is too valuable for crap like that, and I can assure you these two people you've described today aren't going to negatively impact your business if you don't work with them, because their circle of friends is just as much outside your target market as they are.

You don't have to work with someone just because they walk in your door
What do you want to bet that mom is terminal and they want to make a profit?

Sad but probably true.

Good for mom on not signing.

I declined to help both people today. I really should be wasting time on these walk ins. But i feel the "need" to help them if they come into my office looking for help for some reason.

Thanks for the advice! money is everywhere! dont waste time got it!
Isn't paying for a life insurance policy with cash a money laundering red flag?

That much cash, usually. This sounds more like a situation where their mom was in poor health so they wanted to turn their 20k into 80k quick and easy.