Disturbing Phone Call

Got a call from a Sleaze ball insurance agent today, asking me if I wanted to partner with him and gave me several reasons, none of which were worth my time to listen.

He caught my attention when he told me that he was getting appointed with major carriers. I couldn't believe that this slime ball had the credit, or clean criminal record for one of the appointments that he mentioned.

After we hung up, I checked my office notes, because the name of the other guy in his office rang a bell. The guy called me three months before, pretending to be a referral and wanted life quotes, just to see who he needed to get appointed with here.

I know that there are agents like this out there, I'd just rather not have contact with them. IMO they are better suited for selling fake furs as the real thing, or doing something on the edge of the law.

We need more barriers to entry, it won't elimate them, but would thin the herd.
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Unfortunately, no amount of training or money will prevent sleaze balls. The higher the barriers to entry the more sofisticated the sleaze balls will become but they will still be around. They will be fewer in number but so then would be the number of honest Joes tyring to make it.
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Seems like there are more worms comming out of the wood work these days looking for a free rides. My brother inlaw had some scammer with nothing to offer wanted to partner up with his 25 yr established business. He quickly told the guy where he could go.
"Got a call from a Sleaze ball insurance agent today, asking me if I wanted to partner with him and gave me several reasons, none of which were worth my time to listen"

This used to happen to me from time to time, it's usually accompanied by the smell of desperation.

I have partnered up for short ventures before (trade shows) and sometimes it worked great, other times, well no.

Take it as a compliment that somebody thinks your business is going that well, that they hope you cut them in on it.