Farmers Knows When It's Time For You To Renew...

I came home from the office this evening and was checking my mail to see that not one... not two... or three... but FOUR letters from different local Farmers Agencies had arrived today.

Letter #2 - Farmers Homeowners Insurance Proposal
Letter #3 - Now's the right time to consider Farmers and My agency
Letter #4 - Our Records Indicate Your Home Insurance is About to Renew

Really? Four letters in in the same day? How many more local Farmers agencies are going to try to get my business between now and when public records shows the last transfer on my house occurred?

I was thinking about the idea of going to public records to see when local homeowners last arms length transfer occurred to send homeowners solicitations in effort to convert them at renewal. But I guess Farmers has cornered the market in this thinking.

Does anyone here work for Farmers? Do they provide you with these lists and pay for the mailers? It just seemed a little funny and felt counter productive to be encountered by so many agents from the same company.

Has anyone else encountered a similar experience?
Farmers agents are like rats and attorneys - just too damn many of them. And 90% of them don't know squat about insurance. Yeah, I get bombarded with Farmers stuff as well, especially their low-balled quotes. When I get one, I love calling up or faxing the agents to tell them they're clueless. :D
You ought to get all four to quote you, see just how different the policies and pricing is. Ought to be a hoot to see just how dishonest some of them are.
We're not all dishonest. And's not just FARMERS agents that don't know insurance, it's LOTS of agents. I see LOTS of mistakes from agents everywhere.
We're not all dishonest. And's not just FARMERS agents that don't know insurance, it's LOTS of agents. I see LOTS of mistakes from agents everywhere.

Awesome comment........................on a year old thread...:goofy::swoon:
I heard that farmers were "out standing in their field":swoon: there...was that more lame than posting on a year old thread?

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