Federal Court: HC.gov Subsidies Are Illegal.

1. There won't be any clawbacks.

2. This will push states to reconsider building their own state exchanges. It would be REAL easy to roll out 36 different state websites like texasmarketplace.com, created by the states, with some minor responsibility at the state level, but really managed behind the scenes by the feds. It's all semantics that can be out maneuvered. It actually puts more pressure on Red state governors, not less. The battles will be on the state level, not the republican national level to try and amend the law that they are against from day one.

3. All insurance carrier stocks are still up today, so the street thinks it's a "yawner", as they know it will take months/years of appeals.
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3. All insurance carrier stocks are still up today, so the street thinks it's a "yawner", as they know it will take months/years of appeals.

And ultimately the Supreme Court that decided this was constitutional (how that could happen is beyond me) will rewrite the law by deciding what Nancy Pelosi meant.

WH will overturn the decision with full court which 8 democrat judges vs. 5 GOP.

After its loss Tuesday, the Obama administration is likely to request an en banc hearing, which would require all 11 active judges on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider the case, Earnest confirmed. Given that most of the judges were appointed by Democrats, the administration should have a better chance of winning that round. If the government lost yet again, it would likely ask the Supreme Court to review the case.

Court blows a hole through Obamacare subsidy system - CBS News
The language of the law could not be any more clear. If your state didn't set up an exchange you don't get subsidies. Only an *** would believe otherwise.

Of course a Constitutional law professor thinks otherwise. I just hope we have some judges that are smarter than him.
Just as I was resigned to taking the ACA renewal test, along comes this ruling. Now I'm thinking to sit and wait another month for new details.
Surely the Republican party knows this suit will die 7-4 at the En Banc hearing.....you don't spend money on big $$$ lawyers without considering these sorts of scenarios....

So what just happened here? Perhaps they are simply looking to rally the base without actually doing/repealing anything? I'd say that was pretty effective given the press coverage.

Politics 101.
