Google Analytics Question

In the eyes of google, even going to put comments out and make links to your own site is "unnatural linkbuilding" which is technically black hat seo, and a violation of the TOS.

Using google analytics is handing the evidence to the cops.

That doesn't mean they'll use it to punish you, but why hand them your data.

It also says very clearly in the google analytics TOS that if you use their analytics, you agree they can use your data for whatever they'd like, and they retain the right to lock you out, start charging you, etc.

Piwik has frankly better features than analytics, I am of the opinion that clicky might even be piwik with a whitelabel name and a membership fee. The only problem with piwik at all is that installing it requires some specific things be present in your apache build, and if they aren't it requires rebuilding the server kernel.

It's very hard to beat it for ease of install, security, and use after you have it up though. There is a free android app, a free wordpress autoinstall plugin that works with literally copying 2 things and hitting install, no registration with google, no going there to sign up, instant updates, and you own all the data.
I mean commenting on anyone elses blog and linking back to yourself, technically, is black hat link building.

The only links you can get in the eyes of google to your site are links made by other people. If you visit a different site, even one you own, and link to your own site, its against their crazy TOS somehow.

I heard the lead SEO guy from amazon talking with Matt Cutts on a podcast about how certain subjects had no natural interest and the only way to generate links was to self build, he basically admitted the guy was right, but it's still a TOS violation.

They just don't enforce it strictly. They could change their mind at any moment.

All link work done that isn't done only on the single site you have is some varying degree of grey/black hat seo.

I'm not saying don't do it, of course, what I'm saying is don't hand them the evidence for no reason.
I thought blog commenting was OK. In fact recommended. Maybe I'm talking about something else.

No, we're talking about the same thing. Like I said, they don't enforce it that way, but the rule is what it is.

They also can change the rules whenever they want, and you cannot go backward and remove the links.

I don't spend my time wondering what google wants me to do, I don't suggest you do either. I'm just saying don't feed them your data for free.