Grandfathered Plans

Every one of us started out green at one time. The issue with some of your posts indicate that either you have been fed incorrect information or you misunderstood some of the important details about Obamacare.

Stick around. There is a lot to learn from some very knowledgeable individuals on this site.

But not me.

I am here mostly for entertainment.
i have been doing this for almost close to 2 years. I admit i am new at the game and yes i am aware i have no seniority especially on this site i just study a lot. anything i learn i will post as i go but please keep in mind i am only telling you info as it is understood by myself through conversations and teachings taught to me.

Does your keyboard have a "shift" key?
They get to keep the grandfathered plan until the book of policies are experiencing such a loss due to lack of fresh new premium coming in that the DOI allows the insurer to cancel everyone (or allows them to move to a compliant aca plan)...usually clients are given two or three months notice but the carrier knows well in advance what's happening because of the trend of losses.
Remember now grandfathered plans are inferior to the current plans being offered says certain political figures ...
I think he/she was trying to say is that they had Fruit "Loops" for breakfast. With the "holes" in the center?

We are all going to be fruit loops by the time the kinks are worked out of this one: or it blows up; either/or. By: FruitLoops