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Here It Comes: Governement Health Plan

Yes, I'm sure that will go over well with the seniors of this great country of ours. Last I checked, the seniors do much of the voting. just wait until the adds come out again, similar to Harry and Louise. A lot of this current hype will dissipate.
al, I truly don't know whether you and the other liberals are stupid or just ignorant. I understand why politicians like Obama, Pelosi and the others want these programs. I don't understand why anyone not seeking power would want them, other than it feels good. (until you see the true outcome)

Please tell me how a government which has bankrupted social security, medicare, the postal service and any and everything it attempts to do can possibly be in charge of the health care system and not run it fast and deep into the ground.

My parents didn't have and didn't need health insurance while raising 5 children. Like most families we knew. When I broke my leg at 12 it didn't bankrupt us. My parents paid the bills and that was that.

Why did that change. Al will blame it on the private sector, which he loathes. But the real reason, which he'll never admit, is the medical industry cannot pay the bills charged up by those who won't pay for themselves. i.e. illegals, drug addicts and the other social refuse who refuses to take reponsibility for themselves. Runaway lawsuits and over regulation play's it's part as well.

Al and the libs don't want to solve those problems they just want to bury them under piles of other peoples money

I have always believed that we Americans are generous to a fault. You can always find a bad apple or two on either side, but the majority of Americans, including most on this forum, are ready, willing and able to help.

When you fall, we will pick you up, clean your wounds, and do whatever it takes to get you back up on your feet. That is who we are and have always been.

We do expect you to eventually stand on your own two feet, hold your head high, and be ready to help someone else.

This broadcast is almost 40 years old, yet seems as appropriate today as when it was first broadcast in 1973.

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The governor wants to save on pharmacy costs as well. "He would require that the state review prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs before they could be dispensed. "

Perhaps it is clear why some on this forum are so upset about Schwarzenegger's changes.

The rest of the country should not subside Nancy Pelosi's illegal immigrant employees.
Based on Al's input, I've changed my mind. Let's do national healthcare.

We can pay for it by selling public parks/forest land and oil leases.

I did want to keep the public parks, but he's convinced me that this is a small shared sacrifice for the better good.


P.S. Yes, I'm just kidding. Actually, I was really thinking of moving the president into a 2 bedroom condo and selling the white house. He makes over $250000 a year, right?
Based on Al's input, I've changed my mind. Let's do national healthcare.

We can pay for it by selling public parks/forest land and oil leases.

I did want to keep the public parks, but he's convinced me that this is a small shared sacrifice for the better good.


P.S. Yes, I'm just kidding. Actually, I was really thinking of moving the president into a 2 bedroom condo and selling the white house. He makes over $250000 a year, right?

Now thats a good idea:idea:
From an actual Ayn Rand conservative perspective; people don't get what they deserve and earn; they get what they are willing to fight for. Too many in the country don't fight for anything they whine and whimper and cajole and say poor me why was I dealt such cards.

If you are fat it is your fault, you didnt get fat overnight. If you are lazy it is your fault, for with work comes rewards. If you are uneducated it is your fault, for knowledge is the greatest asset of all. If you are poor it is your fault, for poverty is a mindset not a physical condition.

These statements aren't true worldwide but they are true of the USA; where we have more opportunity than we even recognize but people take far less responsibility than they are capable of.

Runaway government bloat will destroy this nation as it has destroyed every program and action it has created.

Prohibition created the mob but did nothing to improve morals

The New Deal was to end the depression it didnt

The Great Society was to eliminate poverty it didnt

The War to end all wars just created smaller wars

The war on drugs just made drugs more in demand

The war to reform healthcare will bankrupt this nation

It's time for John Galt to awaken and for Atlas to shrug off the fetters of government intrusion and interference. Perhaps then a new Fountainhead of self reliance and productivity can spring up and carry us on to better days for our great nation.

The following is from this article which talks about what happens when we don't fight.

Hillsdale College - Imprimis

Once you have government health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on freedom: After all, if the state has to cure you, it surely has an interest in preventing you needing treatment in the first place. That's the argument behind, for example, mandatory motorcycle helmets, or the creepy teams of government nutritionists currently going door to door in Britain and conducting a "health audit" of the contents of your refrigerator. They're not yet confiscating your Twinkies; they just want to take a census of how many you have. So you do all this for the "free" health care—and in the end you may not get the "free" health care anyway. Under Britain's National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements. Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says that it's appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of "lifestyle choices." Smokers and the obese may look at their gay neighbor having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and wonder why his "lifestyle choices" get a pass while theirs don't. But that's the point: Tyranny is always whimsical.
If the private insurance plans could deny coverage based on life style, perhaps premiums would come down a bit....

It would be interesting to price a private plan against the government plan, when the factors are the same.
