How Does Commission Work for Voluntary Worsite Benefits?

I have never sold voluntary worksite benefits, could somebody please help me with this breakdown.
I am being give 50% on the first year for a cancer plan with 5% renewals.

So if I enrolled 25 employees that were each paying $25 a month, that would equal $625.00 of total paid premium for the month. Times that by 12 for the year,equals $7500 total for the year. First year commish would be 50% of that, so .50 x $7500=$3750
So my first year commission for this would be $3750, correct?

But how do you work out the 5% renewals for the following years? Would it be 5% of the original amount of $7500 or would it be 5% of $3750? So would the renewal for this example be $7500 x .05= 375, would I get $375 every month? or would it be 375 divided by 12, for the year, which would be $31.75 every month. Please help, this is confusing.
$31.75 per month. If it were $3,175 per month renewal on $7,500 of anual premium we would all be selling voluntary benefits. :twitchy:
Ask for level commissions. You'll get roughly 15-20% per year rather than having a drop off.
Hi Broker 007,

Is your agency like a wholesaler for Voluntary products?
I'm curious because I'm just breaking in to the voluntary benefits field after selling group medical and individual life for years.

If you are like an MGA or wholesaler, will you PM me your contact info?
Most voluntary will be around 40%, yuo need to get the company to pay for the base policy to make any money on the under 20 market. Go to my blog I have some great training on it .

Adam Maggio