Have any of you heard of this lead source? FE telesales They do telesales and transfer them over to your phone in real time. They have a recording sample of an actual call transfer from the telesales girl speaking with the prospect and handing it over to the agent.
I'm not particularly impressed by their website or their tone, especially the way they are using adwords. Consider this:

Once upon a time I sold leads to insurance agents, I did that for about 6 months. I would say that it was a complete waste of time, but that wouldn't be fair. I learned why it makes much more sense to keep everything in house and to partner with agents I know are good at what they do on a commission split (or write it myself) then to try to make a few bucks selling leads to a largely demanding and ungrateful population. Because I had generated a reasonable amount of traffic to my sites ( and I decided to put adwords on the sites instead of just shutting them down. Guess what happened? I made about $800 that year by doing nothing other than leaving my links up and I think about another $800 the next year and I did not have to deal with a single agent complaining about anything to get that money. On the other side, I buy a lot of telemarketing records for my agency and after referring a bunch of business to the vendor, they have me reselling for them. If you visit, you'll notice I don't have any adwords up because I am selling a product that I make a reasonable profit on that isn't much work so I don't want to sully might site in the hopes of making an extra $50/month. Draw what conclusions you may.