Is There a FE Agent "mentality?"

So, they will do an exam, wait 30-60 days for APS to come in and finally make a payment, but they won't make it an entire year without lapsing?

The Life client will, because I did my job properly.

I discovered a need of $40,000 and sold a Life policy on need, properly disclosed that there is a process for approval and explained what to expect (as I was trained to do).

I Bound coverage with the first payment and tell them so. (can't always do this with a SIWL plan). I tell them that the policy when issued will replace the binder or the company will notify them by mail and through me if there are some health issues they should be concerned about and to discuss any adverse results with the Doctor as they will make those results available at no charge to them.

Do I really need to go on.......Please.
The Life client will, because I did my job properly.

I discovered a need of $40,000 and sold a Life policy on need, properly disclosed that there is a process for approval and explained what to expect (as I was trained to do).

I Bound coverage with the first payment and tell them so. (can't always do this with a SIWL plan). I tell them that the policy when issued will replace the binder or the company will notify them by mail and through me if there are some health issues they should be concerned about and to discuss any adverse results with the Doctor as they will make those results available at no charge to them.

Do I really need to go on.......Please.

I'm not talking about a life client, I'm talking about an FE client. Of course, tons of life clients that bail along the way too. Just ask your favorite carrier how many apps they have without exams and exams without apps.

You've read the FE forum as much as I have. Is a level 5 cat lady a life client or a FE client? How about the guy who answers buck naked or the 60 year old woman who doesn't close her robe tightly? What about the guy who sweeps the roaches off the table so you can sit down?

Just from what these guys are talking about, they aren't finding many real fully underwritten prospects. They are finding FE prospects. Now guys like Rousemark and Newby who market a bit differently, sure I bet they find plenty of traditional life prospects. But your average DM responder is probably not one of them.

Trying to sell fully underwritten to a FE prospect is just as much a disservice as trying to sell FE to a fully underwritten prospect.
You've read the FE forum as much as I have. Is a level 5 cat lady a life client or a FE client? How about the guy who answers buck naked or the 60 year old woman who doesn't close her robe tightly? What about the guy who sweeps the roaches off the table so you can sit down?

Trying to sell fully underwritten to a FE prospect is just as much a disservice as trying to sell FE to a fully underwritten prospect.
I was ready to do battle and then read your comment and laughed my arse off.:D

You are correct. When Dropping mail to 55-78 and 0-30k income you will get mostly SIWL product situations.

By Changing the Demographic to 15-50k or 20-50K it does change the DM responders slightly and you do sell more F/U Life cases.

I think your argument is more towards the Low Income Demographic and not middle income. You still get the level 5 CAT ladies and beer belly dudes, just not as many.
The Final Expense mentality crosses over to Financial Planners and Investment Advisors. They have the license to sell Fully Underwritten Life Insurance, but they don't want to go through underwriting.

I have laughed in many a FP and IA's face for letting me be the "Life" guy.


Final Expense agents and FP and IA's both want to move money (from the client's pocket to theirs), and get paid for it. Underwriting is a four letter word, and not a good ROI in their mind.
When I first started as a captive agent we were instructed to write FE only. And the only reason given is it pays agents fasted.
Yes, The mentality is write the freaking thing. If you write fully underwritten products fine. If you write FE fine. Just write the freaking thing. Suspects, prospects, insects, no sex write the biz.......:D