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New Member
I have worked for one company in the insurance business, got my license and was hoping for a career at this co.
Things have changed, my sales were great, my paychecks were not. Looking for a great company to grow with.
Any ideas?
How were your sales great, but not your paychecks? What company were you working with?
I have worked for one company in the insurance business, got my license and was hoping for a career at this co.
Things have changed, my sales were great, my paychecks were not. Looking for a great company to grow with.
Any ideas?
Two words: Go Independent! You will honestly make more money over the long term.
Well it of coarse depends on what u think a good paycheck is, but I was number 2 in the whole company through out
The state. And I was grossing less than 1500 every two weeks. I was working for a life company and they start u with a
Book of businesss around 12000.00 dollars plus I making a lot of new sales. They were like a debit company... However I think i am good at this sales stuff and can't make a lot more. With the right plan!
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I have worked for one company in the insurance business, got my license and was hoping for a career at this co.
Things have changed, my sales were great, my paychecks were not. Looking for a great company to grow with.
Any ideas?

Like already mentioned going independent is the way to go now that you have some experience. You will have a few questions to ask yourself as you search out agency's to work with:
1. Leads - where will they come from; for most there is a cost. What is the lead quality, closing ratio of existing agents, ROI, etc.
2. Do you trust the agency to give you support - most captives have the support right next to you; not so much when your indy
3. Available carriers - do they have the products that meet the market your focusing on?
4. Revenue streams - are there any additional revenue streams to help you develop client relationships.

When you find the right company, as an independent you'll work less and make more money then you will working in a captive company.
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He sounds like he just started and is doing well (correct me if im wrong). The answer isnt alway start ur own business. While its great we need to know what stage hes at before you can make those kind of recomendations. What are you selling and maybe we can get more specific.