LinkedIn Ads, anyone with experience ?

I don't smoke anymore. Since they legalized it in Illinois, I do edibles. Much better and easier on my lungs. :jiggy:

You could have done edibles before, just had to get off the couch and make them yourself!

Now you can probably buy oil or crystals and use them in food. I know a guy who puts liquid thc in his coffee each morning. lol. SC is never going to legalize until the entire nation does. Not med or rec. But most say there is a difference in eating and smoking. Im surprised you transitioned fully. But I guess if it was too hard on your lungs that is incentive
You could have done edibles before, just had to get off the couch and make them yourself!

Now you can probably buy oil or crystals and use them in food. I know a guy who puts liquid thc in his coffee each morning. lol. SC is never going to legalize until the entire nation does. Not med or rec. But most say there is a difference in eating and smoking. Im surprised you transitioned fully. But I guess if it was too hard on your lungs that is incentive
My wife laid down the law and told me that now that it's legal, there's no need to smoke anymore.

I do the mints and chocolate. It was easy to transition. Other than the 1st 30 minutes when smoking, the edibles win hands down. No ups and downs, just a nice steady buzz all day long. Don't need Visine anymore and don't have to use cologne every time I smoke. Don't have to hide smoking. Don't have to clean my one hitter anymore, which saves pipe cleaners. Smoking takes longer and it's a really dirty process. I love the edibles. :yes: