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Making it through the first year

You are looking at it wrong.

There’s a super old book called the One Card System (which I highly recommend) and it’s all about follow up, CRM, etc but it’s also about 20 years of this guy doing the numbers. It’s 10-3-1 (at your point in the game). For every 10 people you talk to, you’ll get 3 appts and 1 sale.

You do not want to a build a book based on AEP sales. You want to sell 10-20 policies per month, 12 months a year. Your marketing plan should include handwritten thank you cards immediately (Helllllloooo referrals) and again in January. How are you touching each client 4x a year? How are you getting in front of enough people to get 10-20 new clients each month?

This is an incredibly tough business to start but it kicks major ass later

What methods are you using to connect with clients 4x a year ? I do b day cards, thank you cards for new business and referrals, and one phone call a year, but am always looking for ideas to improve retention and most importantly grow referrals ?
Todd just like your private sent me a message begging me to not list theres 130% contracts for all out there . You don’t want agents to know the truth of what’s out their so your overrides stay fat . Just like I’m on Facebook and these greedy fmo’s are giving $30 an app marketing money when any 1/2 ass agent can get $100 an app . Like I said I have no outside motives as I don’t recruit . Any 1/2 decent agent can get 10% above street on fe .

@DonP I'll agree with you that sometimes we don't know what we don't know and yes there is a lot of marketing $ out there from FMO's who aren't just sitting around checkboxing contracts.

Some FMO's are aggressively investing in producing agents. It's a beautiful thing.
What methods are you using to connect with clients 4x a year ? I do b day cards, thank you cards for new business and referrals, and one phone call a year, but am always looking for ideas to improve retention and most importantly grow referrals ?

4th of July Cards! If you do MAPD, the OTC catalog on March 1
4th of July cards....unique, I like it.Thanks. I'm about 50/50 supp/MAPD, but from the feedback I get most of my MAPD ppl order OTC online now.
Some people send out a Thanksgiving card instead of Xmas card . I just sent out a branded Medicare card holder . In the card holder I have a note how I’m honored they trust me with their Medicare and if they know anyone near age 65 or that have Medicare and need help call me .Huge hit . Everyone I sell I give one . I actually put their Medicare card in it
Some people send out a Thanksgiving card instead of Xmas card . I just sent out a branded Medicare card holder . In the card holder I have a note how I’m honored they trust me with their Medicare and if they know anyone near age 65 or that have Medicare and need help call me .Huge hit . Everyone I sell I give one . I actually put their Medicare card in it

This is a great idea. I do branded letter openers for leads, a branded camp coffee cup for sales.
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This is a great idea. I do branded letter openers for leads, a branded camp coffee cup.

My next assault is branded coffee mugs I’m going to attempt to get in small independent coffee shops . I’ll give them 50 free cups ti start with . My friend is on some branded permanent trash cans at bust intersections . Another idea is when you sell something ask the new client can I put a sign ( like a sign from a tree company ) in your yard for a few . “ Medicare questions !!! I can help “ Small billboards in smaller towns .
Right lake... it's about 90 minutes away from me.. The biggest issue is depth.

It's 538 feet. Recreationally, max depth is like 60 ft...

I can dive below that, but I want to say 120 is my max depth experience. I'd have to work myself down that low, and that requires more safety stops at different depths...

I'm just not experienced enough to do it, by comfort level and any objective measure.

Thanks about the knee. Was just arthroscopic for some tears and loose bodies.. still bone on bone, but exponentially better.

Deepest Ive been is 95. Open water though, not a lake. We have some mountain lakes near me that are divable, but max depth is around 40ft due to visibility. The low country of SC has some cool river dives where you can find huge gigantic shark teeth. Visibility is awful, but its still fun to find them.

Getting back into it again this summer hopefully. The reefs down in the Caribbean are amazing. Id take a 30ft reef dive over most 80ft wrecks.
The low country of SC has some cool river dives where you can find huge gigantic shark teeth.

I'd love to go diving in Charleston. That's where I was born and raised.

I like wrecks, we have a few here that are shallower than the Fitzgerald.
Todd just like your private sent me a message begging me to not list theres 130% contracts for all out there . You don’t want agents to know the truth of what’s out their so your overrides stay fat . Just like I’m on Facebook and these greedy fmo’s are giving $30 an app marketing money when any 1/2 ass agent can get $100 an app . Like I said I have no outside motives as I don’t recruit . Any 1/2 decent agent can get 10% above street on fe .

Yeah, I can plainly see you have no motives! :radar: