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Math Doesn't Lie

Not necessarily - the guys running outfits like Mega, NAA and Primerica have no problem finding fresh meat.

With the economy tanking - there will be an abundance of prospects. Check out this dream I had last night:

Since we are focusing on one product and doing it well. I have tested and tweaked our marketing system training into an 8 hour event. If a person can effectively speak on a phone we can teach them to follow a proven script and close deals.

So - in my dream I embraced the homeless and unemployed. We cleaned them up, got them licensed and then set them up in a call center environment to sell their asses off . . .

Imagine one company single handily decreasing the number of homeless people and unemployed people by showing them how to simply market a simple product - amazing . . .

In Georgia - a person doesn't have to pass a test to get a Sub-Agent license. All it takes is attending a 20hr pre-licensing course ( no test ) and $75 a year. Wam Bam - instant marketers. Once the client is ready to buy - transfer the call to a licensed agent to close the deal.

The Sub-Agent can do everything a Licensed Agent can - except "bind" business. An agent doesn't "bind" a Life Insurance policy.

So - yes - there is an abundance of "fresh meat" as you say.

I'm talking about lasting for forty to fifty years like some State Farm and Allstate agents - along with the Rolling Stones.

LOL - I'll be 86 is fourty years. I will have my nest egg built in 5 years. I'm 5 years into my 10 year goal. On track and exceeding even my own expectations . . .

True but there's another factor; passion. Do you enjoy training or selling more?

This is a good question, I love both.

In fact, I just wrote a referral, $112 a month, woo hoo, I can sell!!

Seriously, both "hats" help people and in turn that helps me.

You also need to know the big picture. I am "planning on expanding and duplicating" as they say, books, seminars, etc. Starting out in this weird niche I fell into with health insurance sales training, then gradually expanding elsewhere with the success stories as propulsion.
With the economy tanking - there will be an abundance of prospects. Check out this dream I had last night:

Since we are focusing on one product and doing it well. I have tested and tweaked our marketing system training into an 8 hour event. If a person can effectively speak on a phone we can teach them to follow a proven script and close deals.

So - in my dream I embraced the homeless and unemployed. We cleaned them up, got them licensed and then set them up in a call center environment to sell their asses off . . .

Imagine one company single handily decreasing the number of homeless people and unemployed people by showing them how to simply market a simple product - amazing . . .

In Georgia - a person doesn't have to pass a test to get a Sub-Agent license. All it takes is attending a 20hr pre-licensing course ( no test ) and $75 a year. Wam Bam - instant marketers. Once the client is ready to buy - transfer the call to a licensed agent to close the deal.

The Sub-Agent can do everything a Licensed Agent can - except "bind" business. An agent doesn't "bind" a Life Insurance policy.

So - yes - there is an abundance of "fresh meat" as you say.

LOL - I'll be 86 is fourty years. I will have my nest egg built in 5 years. I'm 5 years into my 10 year goal. On track and exceeding even my own expectations . . .


One problem buddy- in 2 years we will all be federally licensed

well 2 problems I dont want the type of people you would recruit to pollute my industry. People trained improperly representing a BS product are dangerous. Quick buck artists like you are the reason Annuities will soon be regulated by FINRA

By the way you dream too much and do too little
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#1 - One problem buddy- in 2 years we will all be federally licensed

#2 - well 2 problems I dont want the type of people you would recruit to pollute my industry.

#3 - People trained improperly representing a BS product are dangerous. Quick buck artists like you are the reason Annuities will soon be regulated by FINRA

#4 - By the way you dream too much and do too little

1) Doubtful. But if so - wouldn't be any different than now I imagine. Either way - regulation is our friend.

2) "Type of people"? You mean - Focused, Honest, hard working, ethical, caring - those types? :wub:

3) LOL - how hard is it to be trained to sell Simple Issue Whole Life? The carriers provide excellent marketing materials, agent guides and we provide common sense training.

"BS product"? So let me get this right - you are calling Whole Life plans issued by A rated or higher carriers like Shenandoah, Lafayette Life, Americo, Royal Neighbors, ForeThought, Oxford and others - BS products? LOL - Too Funny !

By the way, in case you didn't know - Annuities are a very different animal than a $50 a month Whole Life policy premium - " buddy " . . .

4) You haven't a clue as to what I do - " buddy " . . .

In less than 6 weeks I've organized and developed what is probably the greatest Compensation Plan EVER in the Insurance MLM world. We have dozens of agents ready to begin their appointment process or transfer their appointment as soon as the foundation is finalized - which will be this week.

My "dreams" are coming true - how 'bout yours? Your advatar relates to me that you "dream" as well . . . Obama is going to crush McCain. Obama reminds me of another guy that " had a dream " . . .

By the way - in your profile you say you are an "insurance expert" and "provacateur" - so is that definition #1 or #2 below? Just curious . . .

1. a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator. ~ provocateur definition |Dictionary.com


2. Lesbian Calendar Provacateur 2006 - Lesbian Calendar Provacateur 2006

I think it's sad that people are allowed to remain in a situation like that.

Are they successful at training?
Does anyone even respect them?
Do they do sales training meetings or just monitor self sufficient agents?

1. They know the "material" to train, but spend hours longer teaching than needed due to "fluff"
2. Most of us have little respect for them, although we like them as people.
3. They do sales training meetings but the reality is that we are self sufficient agents who go to the meetings and then wish that we hadn't. You know, trying to be a team player and all.
1) Doubtful. But if so - wouldn't be any different than now I imagine. Either way - regulation is our friend.

2) "Type of people"? You mean - Focused, Honest, hard working, ethical, caring - those types? :wub:

3) LOL - how hard is it to be trained to sell Simple Issue Whole Life? The carriers provide excellent marketing materials, agent guides and we provide common sense training.

"BS product"? So let me get this right - you are calling Whole Life plans issued by A rated or higher carriers like Shenandoah, Lafayette Life, Americo, Royal Neighbors, ForeThought, Oxford and others - BS products? LOL - Too Funny !

By the way, in case you didn't know - Annuities are a very different animal than a $50 a month Whole Life policy premium - " buddy " . . .

4) You haven't a clue as to what I do - " buddy " . . .

In less than 6 weeks I've organized and developed what is probably the greatest Compensation Plan EVER in the Insurance MLM world. We have dozens of agents ready to begin their appointment process or transfer their appointment as soon as the foundation is finalized - which will be this week.

My "dreams" are coming true - how 'bout yours? Your advatar relates to me that you "dream" as well . . . Obama is going to crush McCain. Obama reminds me of another guy that " had a dream " . . .

By the way - in your profile you say you are an "insurance expert" and "provacateur" - so is that definition #1 or #2 below? Just curious . . .

1. a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator. ~ provocateur definition |Dictionary.com


2. Lesbian Calendar Provacateur 2006 - Lesbian Calendar Provacateur 2006


I am an agitator as are most of us on this forum. Our job is to provoke proper thought.


Insurance and financial services is a business of specialized professional knowledge like law or accounting and yes I dont care if they are hardworking or focused if they are intellectual cretans tried in a one step product without taking account of the overall client

the cycle in this business

is innovation then imitators the idiots and I would place you plan firmly in category 3

You have created nothing. You took a General Agent Contract with several levels and turned it into a multi level entity. Totally unproven and yes low end low face value whole life policies are a BS product I stand by that assessment.

I am still wondering what your next business will be: frozen pizzas sold on the internet perhaps or a training program Become an expert in 10 days by Tom
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1. They know the "material" to train, but spend hours longer teaching than needed due to "fluff"
2. Most of us have little respect for them, although we like them as people.
3. They do sales training meetings but the reality is that we are self sufficient agents who go to the meetings and then wish that we hadn't. You know, trying to be a team player and all.

Ouch, makes you wonder how the fluffers feel, ha ha ha.
They do sales training meetings but the reality is that we are self sufficient agents who go to the meetings and then wish that we hadn't. You know, trying to be a team player and all.

This is part of the price that a captive agent must pay. (wasting a LOT of time...)

One of the beauties of the independent world in which I live is the total absence of such nonsense. Don't have to do things to try to impress the "manager".
#1 - I am an agitator as are most of us on this forum. Our job is to provoke proper thought.

#2 - Insurance and financial services is a business of specialized professional knowledge like law or accounting.

#3 - is innovation then imitators the idiots and I would place you plan firmly in category 3

#4 - You have created nothing. You took a General Agent Contract with several levels and turned it into a multi level entity.

#5 - Totally unproven and yes low end low face value whole life policies are a BS product I stand by that assessment.

1) Yea - whatever . . .

2) Yea ok - if so - then how come you don't have to have higher education studies to do it? I see some people that are professional in the business - but most of the agents I know and see around town are just ordinary people that emulate a salesperson - or try to . . .

3) What? Speak english man . . .

4) Yep - except that GA contract will grow into an IMO contract paying top dollar once we produce.

Yes - we took a simple product, molded it into a simple program, that a simple person will simply be able to join, then simply sell the simple product to other simple people . . .

5) For now! By Q109 I believe you'll have a very different take on us. And your opinion on Whole Life - it's just that - an opinion. Now go back to provoking or whatever you political elephants do . . .
