Medicare Beneficiary Looses Medicaid

I got a similar one recently.... just like yours, except they were responding to an advertisement of mine.
The product offers significant enticements over Medicaid for those dual eligible.
Me: How can I serve you?
She: I want one of them plans that offer free dental.
Me: Alright... may I ask a few questions? Are you on Medicaid?
She: Yeah, but I can't afford no more insurance.
Me: Well, this plan is coordinated with Medicaid so that your costs will be the same you are experiencing now.
She: That's what I want.
Me: Let's set up an appointment... I'll mail you a form for you to sign that is required by Medicare called a Scope of Appointment and then we will set up a date and time.
<mailed it to her with a SASE>
<call back>
She: My daughter says I can't afford no more insurance, so cancel our appointment.
Me: But there is no more expense than you presently have.
She: I don't care, I can't afford no more insurance. <click>