Medicare Part B Giveback

I had wondered about Plans K and L as alternatives to a HI-F when someone is considering an MA plan. It looks like the relationships are different where you are than in KS. Using the avg rates in KS' last year's shopper's guide, HI-F rates come up better than plan K or L. Don't remember for sure, but I think your PDP rate falls between my Walmart and Silverscript options.

thanks for the post and info.

I have done a few Plan K supps, a good alternative to an MAPD, especially for those with lower income who are scared of docs leaving networks, all written with UHC/AARP--with their longer GI/liberal underwriting--which has changed some now that they offer G effective 7/1/17. The idea is they can switch up the plan if things happen. In most states there is no safe harbor like in CA where annual change is an option.
He's just here passing time. Ignore what he posts. I've done that and it's much easier than trying to teach him.


Somewhere you made a crack about me getting a membership in a pilot's forum. This post really belongs with that, but I can't find the thread.

Thought about you while listening to a book.

Night Moves by Randy Wayne White starts out with a small airplane adventure which you might appreciate more than I can.

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