Medicare pmts start at 65 But SS benefits start 66.5! How to pay?

ok.. getting close to 65 and have to start Medicare but, I do not get Social security benefits until 66 and a half. I am broke. No retirement. How do I pay for plan b until I get my SS at 66.5 ? FYI, I would rather wait until 70 to take SS, I am healthy and family history they all lived into 90 years plus!

Not sure I understand you logic here. If you're broke, you either are living on someone else's dime or have some type of income. Or, you're like my mom and like to tell people how broke you are while sitting with a nice nest egg that you don't want to part with. So by using the "I'm broke" line is a way to garner sympathy, and get things for free or at a deep discount. If what you're saying is true and your income/assets are below poverty level (general terms), you may qualify for extra help and Medicaid that would defer a lot of these cost. If you don't qualify, you have four options:
1) Take SS early, especially if you are seriously ready to forgo it completely, you might as well use it to pay the Part B;
2) Get a part-time job to pay the Part B premium, and, as a result, not be broke; or,
3) Do as you mentioned and completely opt out of Medicare and SS as you, which IMHO sounds like a child saying "if I can't do it my way, then I'll take my toys and go home."
4) Or, if money is truly the issue and you don't qualify for assistance, then I suggest you take Part A because for most people there is no monthly premium. Delay both Part B and SS, just be aware that not taking Part B now, will result in a lifetime late enrollment penalty added to the monthly premium.