Moving Mutual of Omaha from FMO to company appointment

Yes, Boesch does have a slew of agents under contract, but any agent doesn't need a release if they haven't produced in a year. The problem is that many of them are getting picked up by smaller FMO's under Boesch. Either way, Boesch is getting a piece of the action.

That's a sad thing about the Senior Market; if you're gonna be a player, you're prolly giving up a piece to Boesch somewhere along the line.

On a side note, I hear Boesch is staying away from the Zero Premium Life product. Does that tell us anything?
I HAVE NO PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Actually not all companies pay 8 yrs in IN, alot pay 6 yrs. My point with the 17% contract was that the 17% was not a higher 1st yr commish.

Dang with that many agents under you, you only get 17%! That must hurt. Thats why I dont use SMS.
You are certainly correct although I hear a lot of companies are rejecting him as they move forward. I hear Continental Life (Genworth) did send him back to Florida with nothing.