Mutual of Omaha Cancellation

What's MOOM's cancellation policy? If member calls in today Sept 30 when can cancellation be effective?

It can be effective at the end of business today (assuming they call before the close of business). However, if their draft date is the 1st, the draft will still take place and they will have to wait on a refund. In circumstances like this, I always push it out to the next month (both the cancellation of the current policy and the effective date of the new policy).
It can be effective at the end of business today (assuming they call before the close of business). However, if their draft date is the 1st, the draft will still take place and they will have to wait on a refund. In circumstances like this, I always push it out to the next month (both the cancellation of the current policy and the effective date of the new policy).

That's good advice.

Only other option would be to have the have bank put a stop payment on the MOO payment (prob charging a fee). But if this is supposed to happen tomorrow then it's prob too late.
Depends on what draft day they have. Many are on the 15th which makes it no issue since thats 2 weeks away. If they are on 1st though I would do as others suggested and make eff. 11/1.