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My driving record isn't good, but wife's is perfect

Da Ni

New Member
I've got 2 minor accidents and 2 traffic tickets over the past 4 years but I only drive about 4000 miles per year. My wife has a perfect record and drives about the same. We only have one car and drive about 7000 miles total each year (during a normal year). To get a better rate, should we get the insurance in her name and then add me to it? Or is there another way?

Is this the place to ask this sort of question? If not, where?
So there's no easy way out of this, huh? I'll just have to pay the price. Ok thanks.
So there's no easy way out of this, huh? I'll just have to pay the price. Ok thanks.
You might actually save money by purchasing a second vehicle, placing liability only coverage, ( a real old beater) placing you as the principle driver on it, and stashing it in the garage ( never driving it). The discount you receive for multiple vehicles might lower the overall premium
Is this the place to ask this sort of question?

Yes, it is.

To get a better rate, should we get the insurance in her name and then add me to it?

The rates follow the driver regardless of whose name is on the declarations page.

Or is there another way?

Shop around before your next renewal and see if you can get a better price in spite of your driving record.

One option is to seek out one of those insurance companies that give you an electronic device or phone app that monitors your driving. If you behave, you get a discount.
So there's no easy way out of this, huh? I'll just have to pay the price. Ok thanks.
I guarantee you if you lie the carrier will know when they run their underwriting rules. Almost all carriers use Lexis Nexis to uncover unreported drivers.
Thanks. I do not plan to lie, but am trying to figure out how to avoid paying hundreds of dollars per month when I only drive ~1x per week.
Thanks. I do not plan to lie, but am trying to figure out how to avoid paying hundreds of dollars per month when I only drive ~1x per week.

My wife also has a perfect driving record. Boring!!!
I do now, mostly. However, there were years that my cars were naughty, and could not drive 55. Being in California it is next to impossible to not drive. Unless maybe you live in The City. So I also racked up a lot of miles. I was high risk. Or my cars were. I had a couple of choices. Self insure or sack up and pay based on my car's risky behavior. I paid, grudgingly.

So that is an option for you. Get the state minimum, assume the high liability risk, and hope you do not get into an accident that is even remotely your fault. If you have a lean holder that may be a bit of a problem.

Another option may be to surrender your driver's license.