New Website


New Member
Have a friend setting my agency website up for me. This is a new process for me. Any suggestions?

The site looks nice. You do have a few major design flaws HTML wise (including multiple nested <html> tags throughout the code). This does prevent the page from validating.

[Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator

Although validation is not the end all be all (many sites do not validate), it might cause display issues on different devices or browsers.

Your content could also use some tweaking to focus the sites SEO. This includes the fact that your H1 is simply Jay C Smith. This would tell the search engine that this page is only relevant to people searching your name, not what you offer.

Finally, I did not see a mobile version (responsive or adaptive) of your site.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help on.
I glanced at it and the first thing I saw was a major misspelling: instead of "from", it stated "form" on the VERY FIRST LINE. This may not be a big deal to some people but we are supossed to be professional and our websites should reflect that in basic spelling. Other than that, site does look pretty good. Good luck!