One Cold Call Experience


100+ Post Club
So I cold called a PR/Media Relations firm last week in my area. The person I spoke with told me that they do not accept cold calls and that they have gotten on a National Do Not Call Business list (really?). He then asked me to never call again.

So in doing my homework before I called, I saw that this company had their sales people info plastered all over their website. I then told the gentleman that I hoped his sales people didn't get the same response I got from him. He then asked me what I meant.

I told him that without sales people going out and making sales happen, most companies would not survive. I asked him if he thought his sales people just waited by the phone for people to call in. He didn't know.

I would have kept going but he hung up on me :)

I thought that was funny.
It cracks me up when businesses claim they are on the DNC. They may very well have their number on the DNC, but it has zero jurisdiction over b2b transactions since it's regulated by federal *consumer* protection agencies.
Too funny...either they honestly didn't know or were trying to feign something different that they themselves or cultivating. Thanks for the chuckle.
I think that we as cold callers should expect this kind of response. The only reason they claim those kinds of things is becuase they are happy with the service they currently have. For me i use that to kind of response as a positive thing. Because if they don't want it, they don't want it; and in return you do not waste your time trying to convince a company they want something when they dont. Then your time can be used to work with other companies who are willing and in need.