PageRank Show & Tell: June Edition

My sites are all over the boards now but do have internal pgs with ranks.

Primary dropped from 4 to 3 but others are up. Secondary site (new) went from 0 - 2 but also have internal pg ranks where before there were none.
Alston, Val or Dave can set us all straight.
I know about 2% of what they know about SEO, but I wouldn't get real high or low about PR. It's basically (I think) a function of your links.

Last year, one of my sites went from a 4 to a 3. Since then, traffic has increased. A true Guru told me (he did a pretty intricate analysis) that I lost some higher PRs that were devalued and that probably did it.

Also...I believe these PR numbers were determined months ago and are ever-changing. A 4 could be a 3.6 or a 4.4. (I think. Val? Alston? Dave?)
woo hoo went from a 0 to a 2! Good to no longer be a 0 in their eyes (still see it in the reflection on my computer screen since i'm talking about this and not working)
It looks like we're in an interesting week since Visual PageRank is being updated today.

and it updated again today.....both sites back to two.....but facebook business pages stayed at four.....hummmmmmm
Back to 4 on my primary site after dropping to 3. Internal pgs 0 - 1.

Secondary site stayed at 2 with internal pgs 0 - 1.

And how do you get 15 links in your sig line when the forum software limits to 2?