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Penn Life Senior Solutions

Hey MS
How do you go about selling life/health online, don't mean to sound to stupid but this end of the insurance world is all new to me, would love to learn more about it. Any suggestions would be great.
You were the only person in your office.

:D. That is not funny. Actually there were about 4 agents and 5 managers. More chiefs than Indians.

Rog, I workerd there about 4 years ago, recieved excellent training and I always had prospects to go see. Once you figure out the market you should leave. Commissions are very low. Commissions also vary from office to office so your commissions might not be as low.
thanks Senior
I talked to the guy that is going to be my manager today and he set me up with a couple of the new guys to the company to talk to, so I called and they had the same bead on the manager and the company as I did, yeah I know he could have set me up with anybody and told them what to say but the one lady is new to insurance altogether and it really showed. I am definitely going to leave after I learn what I need to learn cause after talking to some of you guys the money is just to good as an Indy. Really appreciate all the help will update you all once I get started.
I have been fortunate that my best friend since 8th grade has been in the senior market for 10 years and he convinced me to get involved in Jan. 08. I have a mentor to answer questions for me while still being independent. It's not easy starting out indy but my advice to you is work your butt off to learn quick at Penn Life and get out there on your own. I know a couple of Penn Life agents that probly don't like me too much. I can't imagine walking away from an appt. because one product wouldn't work for someone. I sell mostly FE right now and when I talk to someone I have 5 companies in mind while we are chatting. I have to find out medical conditions and fit the co. to it. Ex. if they are on furosemide- Motorists is out. If they are on anti depressants- Forethought is out. Been in the hospital 2 or more times in the past year? Monumental is the way to go. Actually, you are in a better position to get the best deal for your client by going indy asap. my .02
I am scheduled to talk to someone next week. They have no coverage in this area and looking to expand. I would be about 125 miles from my manager. During our phone conversation he stated that he wanted to get 3 or 4 agents in this area and set up an office.

The strategy that this office is using is setting up seminars. He told me that they are running 4 to 5 seminars a week, with a 75% appointment rate and a 50% closure rate. I haven't received any specifics about commissions or any startup fees, but after I talk to the guy I will let you know what he says.

By the way, this office is located in Missouri.
Thanks for the reply, so now if I was to go Indy right off the bat how would I go about doing that, what you are saying about offering more then one company makes alot of sense and I was under the impression Penn Life offered that, maybe I need to check that out a little further. Anyway if you could send me down the right path to go Indy I'd appreciate it. Is there any training at all for Indy agents?

Would definitely appreciate the update sounds like a good way to go. I'm in Ohio but maybe I could find a similar setup around here.
Thanks for the reply, so now if I was to go Indy right off the bat how would I go about doing that, what you are saying about offering more then one company makes alot of sense and I was under the impression Penn Life offered that, maybe I need to check that out a little further. Anyway if you could send me down the right path to go Indy I'd appreciate it. Is there any training at all for Indy agents?

You can go indy right away and this message board is probably one of your best sources of info. Easy way to check out how many companies Penn Life has is to check your state's website on their "agent lookup". In my state it is under the Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth area, Under the OFIS (office of financial and insurance services). I use this all the time to check on other agents that try to take my business or when I'm taking theirs:) In my area the Penn Life guys have 1 annuity company - American Investors. They have Today's Options for MA and 1 FE company. 1 LTC as well. If I could start my 1st year over again, I would immediately start with FE & Medsupp mailers. That will help your income start quickly. If you don't have training on FE and Medsupp, don't be afraid to ask the company to fax a "sample" application to keep in your briefcase (very helpful). Know how to read a policy. If they have a policy now, you need to know how to read it to make sure you are replacing it with something better. Make sure that it's considerably better because in addition to getting them a better price or benefit, you are also giving them a new 2 year contestability period. FE companies that I would reccomend are Forethought, Monumental, Motorist, Lincoln Heritage for GI (guarantee issue, basically). I'm not saying that I wouldn't go captive to start out if I were you, but if you do, I would be gone as soon as I figured out how to sell the stuff. I had a mentor that really helped me at the beginning, and I would not be as far along as i am now if he wasn't there. One thing that I RESPECTFULLY disagree with some folks on this board is the idea that name lists are more productive than "lead cards". In my area at least, the countless hours spent on the phone were nowhere near as productive as having a stack of lead cards and hitting the road. Maybe it's my personality but I sell 35% of every lead card that I get back and I never called one of them. I have never set an appt. with any of them and you wanna talk about FREEDOM!!! I know that I have to see x amount of people a day but I don't HAVE to be anywhere at any given time. Love the insurance biz. Just hit the countryside and make friends over a cup of coffee. If you want any more info. you can pm me or email. I check the board almost daily too.

All in all if I had to do it completely alone I might consider Penn Life or something like that for 3-6 months max then beat it. There really is alot to know when you first start. You have to know how to sell annuities, FE, Medsupp, MA at a minimum. And by "know how to sell them" I'm mainly talking about how to make sure you are selling the best policy for the client and how to fill out paperwork properly. How to get the old policy cancelled properly (if there is one). Then there is MA. If you have hair now, say good-bye to it. *Sorry* I can't stand MA. Can you tell? It's like having to go get your Driver's License renewed EVERY DAY. Personal bias.

Anyway, good luck and feel free to email or pm if you want to talk further. It's a great business and I'm sure you'll find your niche and have a ball!!
Penn Life does offer about 6 companies. Maybe one is competitve. There is no reason not to go that way if you need the training. You hhave nothing to lose. The only thing that might hurt is if you need to sell TOdays options when u leave. YOu might have to wait 6 months or more.