Private Exchange


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
I keep getting emails from these guys. Not sure I want to pull the trigger even though I have used HPA for years for mostly STM.

Your thoughts?

Before you click, note there is no pause or advance button. You are required to listen to the full pitch unless you click the buy now, and then you go to another sales page with another video you also cannot control

Hyperlink disabled so they don't get any forum "juice"

http://private exchange brokerblueprint dot com/sales-page/

$158 + $199/month.

Probably worth it for high volume agent IF you can generate enough viable prospects. My feeling is, a lot of employers will wait to see what really happens under Obamacare (assuming it survives) before stepping in to a new arena.
I know Josh personally, and a stand up guy. I think he is spot on where the market is heading and already has gone. Like Zane Benefits, it's just another DC set up with HRA/IFP business model. He's also a big HSA guy like me.

If you're a mass lead generator, his call center services might make sense, but why share commissions and pay a fee. But some might like the "turnkey" platform he's built.

Too early to jump on until after the elections. You can pause the video by clicking on the video itself.
Interesting meeting this morning at our office. A company that handles the administrative work for health insurers and a large health insurer itself are actively working on building private exchanges.

The exchanges will link to each state's government exchange for purposes of confirming income, subsidies, etc.. But the plans on these private exchanges, while still "metal" certified, will cost less, and will focus on specific needs. The plans will be only from the handful of companies that will participate. Agents will "drive" the sales and be compensated better than they would by helping a prospect enroll via the state/government exchange.

This Wiki page has a little section in the middle that describes the role of Private Exchanges under the ACA: Health insurance exchange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sounds pretty intriguing and a good way for companies with only a few billion $$ in assets to get a foothold in
Interesting meeting this morning at our office. A company that handles the administrative work for health insurers and a large health insurer itself are actively working on building private exchanges.

The exchanges will link to each state's government exchange for purposes of confirming income, subsidies, etc.. But the plans on these private exchanges, while still "metal" certified, will cost less, and will focus on specific needs. The plans will be only from the handful of companies that will participate. Agents will "drive" the sales and be compensated better than they would by helping a prospect enroll via the state/government exchange.

This Wiki page has a little section in the middle that describes the role of Private Exchanges under the ACA: Health insurance exchange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sounds pretty intriguing and a good way for companies with only a few billion $$ in assets to get a foothold in
And you know they will pay the agent more how?
I was under the impression that a private exchange could not handle government subsidies. It appears from the wiki article that Allen from Chicago provided, that the "subsidies" are really employer-subsidies, not govt subsidies. I know that some very large corporations have already established their own private exchanges, giving each employee a designated amount to spend, and then allowing them a menu of choices that the employer has authorized. Those private employer exchanges are handled by a TPA.
I know that some very large corporations have already established their own private exchanges, giving each employee a designated amount to spend, and then allowing them a menu of choices that the employer has authorized. Those private employer exchanges are handled by a TPA.

Sounds like an HRA . . . something I think will have a major impact on employee benefits going forward.
And you know they will pay the agent more how?

TaterPeeler, that's what was said on our conference call with the administrative company yesterday. One of the managers is coming to our Friday 2/1/2013 meeting to provide additional details. -Allen