Repeal Obamacare? Not So Fast?

Since when did the budget have to be balanced? Obama said it wouldn't add to the deficit, but he only meant that to pass it. He almost immediately signed away other things that prevented the 10 years of revenue from paying for the 6 years of benefits 'balanced' approach they used to pass it with.

This year, the federal deficit is just slightly over $1T. Yes, that is a T, not a B, not a M. This is the deficit, the the amount they are spending. If you figure 330M in the US (not counting those we don't count), figure out what your portion of just the deficit spending this year is. Send in the check....


Yes, we can expect new and higher taxes in the years to come, but what happens when people just throw their hands up and do the bare minimum to pay their bills?

If the average person understood how much of the money is being thrown away on federal resarch grants for everything from tracking the migratory habits of the tse tse fly in mid continental Africa, to whether or not a dirty paper clip causes the same level of infection in Albino twins I think that they would be furious while they are trying to pay their power bills.

Setting entitlements aside, I'd love to see the figure on how many politically motivated grants are being passed out to colleges and universities, and what they were studying.
Setting entitlements aside, I'd love to see the figure on how many politically motivated grants are being passed out to colleges and universities, and what they were studying.

Just wait til they start handing out exchange grants. I'm sure Acorn will be on the list.
Ron Paul is right, this country is about to go bankrupt so we won't be able to pay for Obamacare anyway. High taxes and over regulations have driven companies off shore, so now we don't make anything here anymore, which is a recipe for disaster.

How about we do away with all corporate income taxes for those that manufacture here in the USA? Corporations don't actually pay the tax anyway as they just build it into the cost of the product they sell to consumers. It would make them more competitive overseas, grow jobs here and increase the number of people paying taxes.

No more corporate subsidies/welfare for ANY business, including farmers. You got a good idea? Go get'em. The government will not get in your way, but we can not be in the business of picking winners and losers because government is ill equipped to do that job for sure.

Sorry I got a bit off topic, this country has a lot of difficult decisions to make in areas as well as Obamacare or we will soon be a third world nation.
they may not want to repeal the small business health insurance tax credit until they prove to small business that they've already repealed the portion of the law that will raise taxes & premiums for those small businesses.

If you look at the law, group insurance premiums are not affected as greatly as IFP. If HHS could keep their greedy, political hands off things, group premiums would have minimal impact.

But declaring young adults are children at age 25, adding preventive benefits that were not in the law, including the coming August 2012 "free" contraceptives, all they have done is take a complex and convoluted law and make it worse . . . and more expensive.

The tax incentives are costly and wrong in my opinion. DC tried the same thing with Cash for Clunkers and all the mortgage incentive programs and we know how well that worked.

So what if a business buys a group health plan for the incentives? As the tax credits expire there is a good chance the plan will be stripped of benefits or eliminated.

repealing MAJOR portions that effectively kill its function (like the individual mandate),

I agree the mandate is wrong on so many levels and should be repealed. But doing so makes the total plan unworkable.

I am not saying I like the mandate, because I don't. Just saying Obamneycrap is an even bigger mess without it.

This year, the federal deficit is just slightly over $1T.

So far . . .

But the deficit news is masking an even bigger problem. The accumulated national debt including unfunded liabilities exceeds $60 trillion or 4x the GDP.

Corporations don't actually pay the tax anyway as they just build it into the cost of the product they sell to consumers.

The majority of folks fail to grasp that, mostly because the MSM fans the flames by painting corp tax breaks as greedy.

Oil companies will be in the news soon as gasoline prices continue to rise, especially if gas is $5/gallon by summer as some predict. You can bet a lot of politicians will want to bloody the nose of the oil industry and use them as a whipping boy as part of their re-election chant.

And quite a few voters will buy in to that argument because most folks who vote just aren't that bright.
Well if we get a republican President we would get a Republican Sec of HHS...As I remember the bill was very vague and left most things up to the Sec of HHS...Couldn't a new Sec of HHS change everything?
The reality is that it might be able to be changed a little, but a full repeal isn't likely. Also, don't forget that the reason a democrat got voted in last time is BECAUSE of universal healthcare. Most people want it. I don't think most people want the form we have, but with some changes it could be a decent thing going forward.

What needs to happen before trying to repeal it is to pass tort reform, etc. to keep costs down.
Control of the House and Senate is more important than the presidency in this fight. While HHS control would be nice, House and Senate decide what gets funded and how it's spent.

Concentrate more on the fight for the Senate and House, and pray that Reps can take that back in this fight.

Oh, and don't forget that the USSC will have a big hand in all of this. A strike down of the mandate will/should cancel out the entire law, and upholding the mandate will inspire the Tea Party to (likely) get behind Romney, or at least to support someone against Obama.

Many moving parts at this point. Too many to know what's going to happen - November is a LONG way off, and a lot is still in play.
Spin doctoring by HHS.

Of course the exchanges are on schedule, just like everything else.

Dear Ann has listed 20 something items in Ocare that have either been delayed or eliminated.

She (Ann) must have been mistaken
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Anyone who has finished a race will tell you, it doesn't matter what you leave on the track as long as you cross the line. You can roll across the line upside down, missing a wheel, your doors, the roof, seats, no gas, with a blown engine, and still win if you cross the line first.

Think about schools with 100% pass rates because they expel under-performers before issuing grades. The government is happy to cut what they can't do and pass the rest like there was never anything extra.