Required Bloodwork? Smells Fishy. Welcome to Ohio.

I'm all for personal privacy. Government database? OK, they have all my tax returns, job history, phone apps downloaded and who knows what else. Hell, I shopped at Target and was a Blue Cross customer. It's more than likely that unscrupulous entities other than the government have my information. Snowden probably leaked something about me. I'm not ready for a tin foil hat just yet.

Maybe if they have my DNA they can identify my body when my wife hits me with a shovel and uses it to bury me.

Call 1-844-492-5561 to speak to a licensed Ohio agent. Americare Health Benefits Alliance is a national brokerage representing all major carriers in all 50 states. Our agents can run quotes and submit applications with any carrier in any state in around 30 minutes. I'm sure we can find you a competitive carrier that respects your privacy and will make insurance shopping simple for you.
This is the employer's way of rewarding employees and their spouses and families for staying healthy it helps reduce sick time in thoery. The unhealthy employees have to pay more % for their health insurance but if they're willing to submit to the blood panel then that employee will save some premium money and the employer is likely to have more healthy employees. These employers typically get rid of the unhealthy snack machine vending machines and junk food in the workplace. If you benefit at all by an employers insurance plan being offered
my suggestion is you get the bloodwork done.
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Or...Speak to a licensed Ohio broker that is actually located in Ohio!! Preferably someone with about 35 years of experience that can submit an application with any carrier in about 10 minutes...and knows the Ohio Marketplace.

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Open Enrollment begins November 1st.
First off this isn't Obamacare, this is his employer trying to save costs on their plan. I have heard of this happening before, especially with companies that self insure. They are just trying to reduce or know their risk. I have companies offering a lower premium if employees will voluntarily be screened for health. Could be something similar at your other's place of employment, could be somebody in HR misunderstanding the issue.

As others have said, you can either pay the extra premium, take the test or find your coverage elsewhere. Do what ever works for you.
Most of the carriers have plans like this including Cigna and others. It is controlled by the employer and its a way to help control dramatic premium increases. There has actually been some cases of early detection of a previously unknown medical condition with some employees which actually helped save their life by becoming aware of the condition they had not known about.
If the employer is paying your health insurance then the employer has a right to be involved to help control the costs of dramatic premium increases by promoting healthy lifestyle practices.


Mandi when you submit to the bloodwork
Panel it's best to do fasting from food starting the night before and drinking only water. The following morning don't eat any breakfast or drink any coffee and go get the blood exam done as early as possible in the morning. To achieve the best exam results. This is just in case nobody else tells you this and they may not.
You can ask for copies of the results and this would be good for you to know this information. It could be useful to your doctor and you.

Or you can listen to the other individuals on this board if they know what they're talking about. Your lifestyle is in your hands and our government wants you to take full responsibility for your health because that's where we're headed
I always recommend to people that they purchase their firearms used and not from a gun shop so that they aren't on any government database.

But anytime you say government, database and firearm I'm pretty sure the NSA starts recording. It kind of defeats the purpose...
This is an employer requirement. The group is apparently large enough to be experience rated and the employer is charging employees with certain conditions more. Usually those conditions are considered to be "controllable" by the employee. Tests are used to confirm assertions ie smoking status. The program can also contain other things to help modify behavior. Like it or not, it is legal and not OH or Aetna specific. Take the test or pay the premium - your choice.

It is not a "tax". Tax is extracted by the government. This is simply an attempt by the employer to make those stoooopid enough to continue to smoke 60 yrs after documenting that tobacco causes health issues to pay the increased costs of their action.

Actually, taxing those goods with spill over costs is one way to make the price of those goods reflect the actual cost so the market can prevent over production. A $10 tax on a pack of cigarettes would not be out of line were it imposed suddenly.

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