SCOTUS, Will States Dismantle Exchanges?

I am convinced that most (if not all) of those that voted for this mess STILL haven't read it and as just as surprised as the people that bought this crap when something goes wrong.

That is just the way things work in DC. Most of the people that write the laws have no clue how they will play out in real life because most of the legislators have never lived a real life.

Every time they write a new tax law (revenue enhancement) someone figures out a work around and they never get the $$ they were expecting.

Consumer protection laws are even worse since they invariably end up costing the consumer more for the product or service. Sometimes businesses in the affected industry close down leaving a bunch of people out of work.

That certainly happened with the luxury tax on yachts (1990). DC collected half the revenue they anticipated and essentially destroyed the luxury yacht industry in Florida.

The luxury tax was repealed 2 years later but by then the damage had been done.
Just think of it as a software release. The patches will come later. It's the way America functions these days. Release and then fix.
Look, I don't support most of the ACA law, its a mess. Its not the direction I felt the country needed to go, it goes against my core political views.... however, its done. Folks in politics have beat this horse like Jesus was beaten and it still stands. Its time to move on. Stop the whipping the public into a frenzy, go deal with other pressing issues. We lost, move on.