Target Auto Vs Home Policies


New Member
I would like to know if anyone has better results if you target auto vs home insurance. I get the idea of cross selling after you have a prospect, but which type of policy is better to lead in with?
My office leads with the home and cross sells the auto. In Florida people will shop the auto for a $1 while the home they are more likely take a small increase and leave it as is, especially if it is escrowed. Every office is different but that has worked for me. Good Luck.
No single answer, it depends on where you are, what you have and the market around you. It also depends on what you want.

Marketing for home usually means you are after the 'preferred' clients. Once you have them, they are usually the golden egg for renewals and also tend to have less service work. Problem is, they tend to be harder to acquire since everyone is after them.

Marketing for auto is pretty much casting a wide net and seeing what comes up. If you have competitive carriers for everything from non-standard to ultra-preferred, you'll tend to write more business, but, its much more service oriented than homes. Its also much more of a price conscious market.

I'd MUCH rather have a large book of homes than a large book of autos, but that doesn't always happen. You need balance and I tend to market one for a while then switch and market the other.

Pick one that works for you and go at it. Doesn't matter what others do.

Heck, I even occassionally do my 'dented driver' program where I go after the DUI's, suspended license, no license crowd.

Big Red nailed it...different every where and try both. Yo umay target home 75% and Auto 25% of your time. A healthy mix of both can be found.