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The Health Care Crisis: What Can You (Agent) Do?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
After Reading you will: Understand

1. the US majority view on H.C.

2. that agents are the grassroots of saving our industry.

3. you are being called to Action!

4. that board members will be collaborating on how to get articles out to the public thus educating each city in this fine Nation and thereby creating a grassroots approach.

5. insurance-forums.net ghost health article - published in our local newspapers and magazines with our agency info. Yes, part of educating everyone is that we should be compensated for it and branded as well.

The last couple of weeks of talking about political health care objectives on these boards and the the U.S. majority asking for U.H.C. (I myself have been asking everyone I prospect and they think U.H.C. is good and would vote for it.) has caused me to create this post and CALL TO ACTION.
I challenge this Board!

To help create a ghost written health article that we all can use.

Here's what the majority thinks:

Reader's Digest Version of Michael Moore's movie, Sicko.

"Prescription to Health Care"

1. Every US resident must have Universal H.C.
2. Health Ins. Companies must be abolished.
3. Pharmaceutical companies must be strictly regulated like a public utility.

"however, he doesn't show any detailed implementation"

What do you want the public to know about the industry?

I'm sure this board has helped ten's of thousands of people with their health care options. Let's show them why we're so important and what needs to be done to salvage this industry.

There never has there been a better time to spend 10 minutes on your industry.

I would like us to all send the article to your local newspapers by October (mid-Oct. the latest) and again once voting starts in 2008.

So what are you waiting for?

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Here's a couple to start off with:

* The large question: If people think insurance companies are making too much money and want the government to take over; where's the accountability there? Without market influences our health care will diminish because the lack of incentive to build a new drug.

* Choice: with U.H.C. you won't have any choices. In fact, you will most likely be told what to do and when. (i.e. doctor visits, tests.)

I can see these articles going all across the nation. There's no reason that this website wouldn't get credit in magazines after such a huge movement - so I also challenge the Moderators/Guru's to step up to the plate.

As you can see, this just came to me so I hope I can get some help here. Thank-you.
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Well, what you have proposed is a novel idea...


Do you really think that UHC is going to eliminate the private insurance carriers? They have way too much money pouring into Washington to ever let that happen.

If they want to propose UHC, I think they should do this...

Expand Medicaid. They will not do that because it is a mess in most states. But wait...that is government health insurance! And they cannot handle the small % of the population that is on that, why would you give it to everyone?

I think Hilary said she can get costs to $110 Billion on the today show. She must be talking about administrative costs because Medicare already cost just under $700 Billion.

People are smart. The public is ignorant. That is why when you talk to people they see the light but the public hears free and health care and are all over it.
Well, what you have proposed is a novel idea...


Do you really think that UHC is going to eliminate the private insurance carriers? They have way too much money pouring into Washington to ever let that happen.

I agree. I just want people to see all sides because they believe what they hear on tv. You make valid points. I would want to see a movement never seen before on this board - where all parties will win. We educate the population and ourselves all while getting exposure.

Yes, the idea of everyone coming together on this board to make a concise article for thousands of American papers seems a bit -wishful thinking - but I think we could do it.
I'd like to add another key point on health premiums..

Health Care costs have been increasing; however, it's slowed down greatly the last year and half.

Health premiums have doubled the last decade and have increased five times faster than workers' earnings since 2000 but has slowed the past year and a half. Benefit Selling Magazine Sept. 2007 pg. 41
(I'm happy that Benefit Selling has said that the uninsured rate is 15 million not 45)
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Yes, the idea of everyone coming together on this board to make a concise article for thousands of American papers seems a bit -wishful thinking - but I think we could do it.

What is it that you feel that we all agree upon in a way that would allow for a concise article?

What is it that you feel that we all agree upon in a way that would allow for a concise article?


What we all agree on (if we want to keep our jobs)

I think we should talk about how we got here, where we're going, and why we need to be watchful of not to turn over the financing - and in the process the decision making - of health care to the government, then the movement for a single-payer system would quickly simmer down.
While I don't believe that UHC is even close to being a reality, yet there are certain things too keep in mind.

Businesses of America, would rather handover the H/C headache to someone else. May that be to the individual or government, I really don't see them too concern over which.

Nearly half of all Americans don't pay any Federal Income Tax, so basically they get free H/C. Now 50% of the people make for a strong demographic challenge to any political party! Remember the old saying, the American People will get what they want sooner or later.

If we don't change the tax code and start forcing the poor people to pay their fair share we will sooner or later have UHC. Just had to throw that in the mix!
What we all agree on (if we want to keep our jobs)

I think we should talk about how we got here, where we're going, and why we need to be watchful of not to turn over the financing - and in the process the decision making - of health care to the government, then the movement for a single-payer system would quickly simmer down.

A lot of people think that recommendations from insurance types are just intended to help them keep their jobs and have to be viewed in that light. Gee, I wonder why that is.

Most people have no clue as to the cost of health insurance because their costs are being paid by OPM, other people's money, ie employer or government. When someone leaves an employer sponsored plan and comes to me for individual coverage most are shocked at the premium.