Universal health care knocking at your door

Arnold and many others in government want universal healthcare. Some want a single payor, other want insurance companies to insure everyone regardless of health.

I have an idea. Some of these mega millionaires should get together and form their own insurance company. They can then insure everyone regardless of pre-existing or other health related issues.

Apparently these a-holes believe it will be profitable for an insurance company to do this. Perhaps a few of them (hear me Arnold, Teddy and the rest) can either buy a carrier or form one and do it themselves. I'm sure Mega could be bought for the right price.

Come on. It's easy and will be profitable. Or are you guys just blowing smoke up our collective asses?

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Arnold and many others in government want universal healthcare. Some want a single payor, other want insurance companies to insure everyone regardless of health.

I have an idea. Some of these mega millionaires should get together and form their own insurance company. They can then insure everyone regardless of pre-existing or other health related issues.

Apparently these a-holes believe it will be profitable for an insurance company to do this. Perhaps a few of them (hear me Arnold, Teddy and the rest) can either buy a carrier or form one and do it themselves. I'm sure Mega could be bought for the right price.

Come on. It's easy and will be profitable. Or are you guys just blowing smoke up our collective asses?


Well you can include Mitt Romney in with them. My point has been and continues to be that there is an unholy alliance shaping up between the left and the right. The right might like to think that they are free market purists but they are whores looking for votes just like the dems. All the reasons why universal health care will or will not work are neither here nor there- the pressure to do something both nationally and at the state level is enormous, even if it is something stupid.

Some of the earlier threads here where the chorus said that just a small percentage are uninsured and there are bigger issues in the country are ridiculous. The issue is here and in your face regardless of position for or against. You have a republican governor in california promoting it - a state, by the way, which the dems desparately want for the explosive number of electoral votes there and, oh by the way, the dems support universal health care even for mexican visitors. A marriage made in heaven.

The article states that his proposal is geared toward employers that have 10 or more employees. I market to small businesses that have 9 or less. I would venture to guess that the ramifications could be for small business owners to either 1099 their employees or make anyone over 9 employees work part time. The end result would be fewer full time employment opportunities. I'm sure that is something that the politicians do not want to discuss.

This country is built on the backs of small business owners (although the far left believes it is built on the backs of illegal aliens), once they realize that "universal health care" will cut deep into profits by driving up the cost of doing business, there will be a louder outcry. For now, it is all talk and talk is cheap - so the small guys are not speaking up. If it comes to a point where it looks like it has some legs, the little guys will go after it with a big stick. Wait until they place a price tag on it, then we will see what really matters.

Obviously, I would be interested in a business model that gives incentives for employees to purchase their own individual plans.
I have an idea. Some of these mega millionaires should get together and form their own insurance company. They can then insure everyone regardless of pre-existing or other health related issues.

Apparently these a-holes believe it will be profitable for an insurance company to do this. Perhaps a few of them (hear me Arnold, Teddy and the rest) can either buy a carrier or form one and do it themselves. I'm sure Mega could be bought for the right price.

Come on. It's easy and will be profitable. Or are you guys just blowing smoke up our collective asses?


I like that idea! Better yet, why don't they go back to the universal cash cow and raise taxes again on smokers and drinkers to fund it. Okay, perhaps no one cares when smokers complain but, wait until you have a nation full of angry drunks! I'll bet they can make a lot of noise and create some damage.

If California were to legalize and tax pot, they could fund the health care system for the entire nation! It would also provide a lot of employment for field workers - kill two birds with one stone.......or kill a stoned bird.....get stoned and ....what was I saying? Never mind.:D

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Every Universal Proposal so far includes....

-Eliminate INDIVIDUAL PLANS and replace with a "government" plan

-Eliminate commissioned brokers

Individual Insurance IS the solution - eliminate group insurance, that would be my answer (never happen though)
We are closely approaching the 50% of people not paying taxes. With that coming closer and closer you'll see Universal H/C and other insanity take shape. Doesn't matter than, politicians will just feed those that don't pay taxes, such as the plan was laid out in the 30's under Roosevelt and the birth of Social Security.
James I agree 100% there are a lot of factors into this, not to mention the changing demographic of America and our Illegal problem that no one is taking seriously.

It also goes back to government is too big, this I agree 100% with Ron Paul on...
From who I have talked to in the past, the ONLY people who support a Universal Healthcare system are the Un-insureable people and those with extensive pre-existing conditions!!
From who I have talked to in the past, the ONLY people who support a Universal Healthcare system are the Un-insureable people and those with extensive pre-existing conditions!!

Not exactly IMHO, if you don't pay taxes which is now like 45% of the people, then why not? That is the whole point of this tax scheme we have, why politicians on both sides of the Aisle like it, it basically puts all power in the hand of the politician.

The whole idea of "One Man One Vote" is where all this started, it was then insanity it is today complete insanity. In other words a Democracy in those terms is nothing more then tryannical rule, we are heading that way. They say 5% of the population can't find the US on a world map, well that is nothing, close to 50% or more people don't know what kind of government they live under.

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