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Unlimited Dialer for $99/month Plus 500 Free Leads!


5000 Post Club
AffordableMarketingLists.com has partnered with SalesDialers.com to offer a great deal! Get unlimited use of the SalesDialers.com autodialer for $99/month PLUS get 500 free leads just for signing up! A partial list of the lead types are available here: Affordable Marketing Lists - List Types .

Once you've dialed through your 500 free leads, we have great prices on more to keep you talking to new prospects every day!

Reasons to choose SalesDialers.com?
-Excellent customer support
-Dial up to *4* lines at a time
-Mac compatible
-No phone line required
-Drip e-mail marketing INCLUDED
-Callback scheduling
-Call recording
-Productivity reporting
-Many more!

Looking for more information about the dialer? Click here to be contacted by a SalesDialers.com specialist.

Looking for more information about the data? E-mail "[email protected] or click here.

Ready to sign up? Click here and don't forget to use the discount code "AML" to get your free leads!
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This sounds like a great deal, how does it compare to MojoSells? Also how easy is it to yank my incoming leads from CompuLife and load into here?
Thanks for commenting. There are quite a few differences between SalesDialers.com and Mojo. They're both good products, but I think SalesDialers.com provides more value. To get the Compulife lead question out of the way first, they currently integrate with most lead providers, but at the moment no one that has signed up for SalesDialers.com has asked to have that set up. If anyone is interested in that feature, SalesDialers.com would just work with Bob Barney (Compulife) to build that feature in provided he worked with them on that, but that part is more in Bob's court.

One of the first major differences between Mojo and Salesdialers.com is price. Using my affiliate code (AML) you'll receive a discount and their monthly service would only be $99/month vs what Mojo is at which I believe is currently $149. I'm also including 500 records pulled to order with any sign up as a bonus, so that's obviously an advantage to SalesDialers.com.

Other key differences:
-SalesDialers.com does not require the use of a phone line (but you can use it if you'd like)
-SalesDialers.com is Mac compatible (can even run on linux!)
-SalesDialers.com can dial four lines at a time vs three with Mojo
-With SalesDialers.com call recording is included at no extra cost
-Users can share a SalesDialers.com account (as long as they're not dialing at the same time)
-With SalesDialers.com e-mail drip marketing is part of the package which includes notifications of when your prospects/clients open the e-mails you send!

There are more differences, but they really are both good products. I know folks that use Mojo and love it, but I'm excited to be working with SalesDialers.com because I believe that between the two, SalesDialers.com really is a better service, even if they were priced the same.

If you have any other questions feel free to contact me through PM, e-mail, or any of the contact info on my site.
Thanks for commenting. There are quite a few differences between SalesDialers.com and Mojo. They're both good products, but I think SalesDialers.com provides more value. To get the Compulife lead question out of the way first, they currently integrate with most lead providers, but at the moment no one that has signed up for SalesDialers.com has asked to have that set up. If anyone is interested in that feature, SalesDialers.com would just work with Bob Barney (Compulife) to build that feature in provided he worked with them on that, but that part is more in Bob's court.

Happy to work with anyone who wants to integrate our web quote software into their on-line applications. I am convinced we offer a deal that makes our customers more money than if they took on the life quoting software on their own. And if you can bring any significant volume of new business for Compulife, we can sweeten the deal.
Published a response, but apparently the response was not permitted. It said a moderator would have to review it, and it never appeared.

NOTE: It has been explained to me that moderation can take from 5 minutes to 5 days.

On the whole, better performance than the post office.
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Update: I'm putting together a testimonials section on my website. If anyone has purchased lists from me and wants to be included in that please e-mail me. As a thank you for taking the time to do that I'll be giving out 150 free records.